Friday, 3 August 2012

Ralph Tyldesley 1840-1913

From the Leigh Chronicle of 7 November 1913:
Death of Mr Ralph Tyldesley
The death took place on Saturday afternoon of Mr Ralph Tyldesley, of 44 Johnson street, Tyldesley, one of the best known and most respected of his native town. He attended divine service at Tyldesley Chapel the Sunday before, so that his death has come as a shock to his numerous relatives and friends. The deceased was in his 73rd year, and had spent his whole life in Tyldesley. For many years he was the popular baths manager, and in that capacity instructed hundreds of youths to swim. Some of his sons are expert swimmers, and have taken part in some of the best swimming contests in the country. In 1908 he succeeded the late Mr. William Lomax as member of the Tyldesley Council for West Ward, which district he served twelve months, and then in 1909 successfully contested South Ward, which he held for three years. He was a zealous worker on tbe various committees. Mr. Tyldesley was also a member of the Joint Hospital Board, where he did good work. An active and loyal Liberal when occasion demanded, he was one of the founders of the Liberal Club, and connected with it for a good number of years. Deceased leaves a widow, Mrs Priscilla Tyldesley, two daughters. Esther and Annie, and nine sons, Arthur, Tom (now in Canada), Addin, Frank, Alfred, Ralph, William, Wright, and Walter, some of whom are married.
The cortege left the late residence (in Johnson-street) of deceased about three o'clock. There were many signs of symathy and regret when his mortal remains were laid to rest on Tuesday afternoon at the Tyldesley Cemetery. Representatives from the Council met at the Free Library, and headed the funeral procession There were present: Messrs. T. Harner, J P , F. Isherwood, A. Boardman, C. B. Tyldesley, I. Ward, and Richard Hardman. Mr. T. L. Syms, J.P., as chairman of the Council, was unavoidably absent through a prior engagement. The officials present were : Mr. W. J. Matthews, clerk ; Councillor H. R. Rigby, solicitor; Mr. Jas Smith, nuisance inspector; Mr. H Hoy, gas manager; Mr. J Crompton, baths manager; and Mr. S Unsworth, cemetery registrar. The day school managers and school attendance officials were represented by Messrs. G Beddows, headmaster ; T. Atherton, junr., secretary ; F. W. Barnes (Leigh) ; T. Hindley (Hindley) ; and J. Green (Atherton). Messrs. B. Morris, J. L. Hodkinson, and T. Atherton, senr , represented Tyldesley Chapel The following delegates represented the Swimming Club: Messrs. T. T. Bradshaw (chairman), T. Gerrard, A. Martin, and J. Flindle. The chief mourners and friends occupied the following coaches:
1st coach.—Mrs Priscilla Tyldesley (widow), Messrs. Addin Tyldesley, Alfred Tyldesley, and Ralph Tyldesley, Mrs. Esther Tyldesley, and Miss Annie Tyldesley.
2nd coach —Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tyldesley, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tyldesley, Messrs. Walter and Willie Tyldesley.
3rd coach.—Mr. and Mrs. Wright Tyldesley, accompanied by grandchildren Hubert, Harold, and Alice Tyldesley
4th coach.— Mrs. James Bridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tyldesley, Mr. T. T. Mackenzie, and the Rev. D. Jarvis.
5th coach.—Mrs. Robert Isberwood, Mrs George Tyldesley, Mrs. Mort and Mrs. Griffiths (Pontypool).
6th coach.—The nephews were Messrs. T. Tyldesley, Fred Tyldesley, William Tyldesley, George Tyldesley, Herbert Tyldesley, Frank Isherwood, W. Hunter, and James Eckersley (Pontypool).
7th coach.—Mr. and Mrs. J. Leather, Mr. J. Leather, Mr J Watkinson, Mr. R. Pilkington, Mr. James Lever, Mr. D Cleworth, Mr J. Richardson.
8th coach.—Mr R Wood, Miss Grundy, Mr. J. D. Henderson (Heywood), Mr. W. Grimshaw, (farmer), and Mr. W. Rothwell (Atherton)
9th coach.—Messrs. F. W. Barnes, P. Dootson, J. Green and T. Hindley.

Arriving at the cemetery the Rev. D Jarvis met the cortege and conducted the service in an impressive manner in the chapel and at the graveside. A large number of personal friends attended the service.

Beautiful wreaths were received from : Wife and family, Mr and Mrs Hamer, Mr. and Mrs Eaves, Mr. and Mrs Speakman (Southport), Mr. and Mrs. Lowe (Openshaw), Sister, Louisa and Walter (Ash Villa), Tom and Ada (Ramore), Mr. R. Isherwood and family, Mr and Mrs. Leather, Mr. and Mrs. Lever, Mr and Mrs Watkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Grimshaw (Farnworth), Mr. and Mrs. Grundy (Farnworth), Nellie Brown, Fred, Mrs Hulme and Mrs. Lea, Agnes and Harry (Altrincham). Mrs. Mort and Mr. and Mrs. Moran, the neighbours, members and officials of the Tyldesley Urban District Council, Mr. and Mrs. Watkinson and family. Mabel and Jim (Pontypool), Nurse Gallimore (Lancaster), Arthur, Annie and children, Mr. and Mrs J Cousins, Edith. Bertha and Bob Higginson, Mr and Mrs. G. Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tyldesley, Tyldesley Swimming Club, and from Herbert, Charles and Harold Tyldesley.

The coffin, which was of pitch pine, with heavy brass mountings, was suitably inscribed. Mr. J. Nutter was the undertaker, and Messrs Leyland and sons, Wareing street, supplied the coaches.

Tea was served in the school underneath the chapel after the ceremony.
For a photograph of Ralph Tyldesley, see the earlier posting