IN the Name of god, amen. The firste daie of Maye in the Twentith and Eighte yeare of the Reigne of or moste dread and sovaigne ladie Elizabethe by the grace &c. and in the yeare of or lorde god 1586. I EDWARDE TILDISLEY of Morleys in the countie of Lanc', Esquier, of good and pfecte healthe of bodie Thanks be to, almyghtie god, yet neverthelesse callinge to memorie the uncertentie of this lyffe, and also the paynes in sieknes wherewithe mans bodye ys afflicted near the tyme of deathe, in which tyme mans sawle ys chefelie to be Regarded, and in that tyme, Especiall, all temporall causes are to be omitted and sett apte, Therefore Respectinge the p'misses in Tyme of helthe and good memorye, I The saide Edwarde Tildisley, have thoughte good (by gods pmission) to putt my lands tents goods and chattells in pfectt disposieon and Redines in maner and forme followinge
FIRSTE and principallye I comende my sawle unto almightie god my maker and Redemer, Trustinge by his deathe and passion to be one of the electe and saved number, and my bodie to be buried (yf my chaunce be to dye in the Countie of Lanc, or near to the same) in my chappell in the pishe churche of leighe in the said Countie of lanc neare the bodies of my late wyfe Anne Tildisley Dought and sole heire of Thomas leyland of Morleys, Esquier, and the bodie of Thomas Tildisley sonne and heire of me the said Edwarde Tildisley, Deceassed
AND I will that one large stone shalbe provided and erected in Tombewise in the chappell withe ffower Imags or picturs of Brasse Representinge The said Thomas leylande, my said wiffe Anne Tildisley, my said sonne Thomas Tildisley, and me the said Edwarde Tildisley, withe supscription in Brasse, upon the border of the said Tombe, to be Ingraved, conteyninge the daie and yeare of or sevall deathes, as god hathe, and shall appointe, withe or Armes upon the said Tombe to be likewise Ingraved, (yf I in my lyfe tyme doe not cause the same Tombe to be made and pfectcd accordinglie)
AND my will ys, that My bodie shalbe Entred and buried as aforesaid in decente maner withoute overmuche or supfluous charge, as to the discrecon of my executors shalbe thoughte mete and conveniente, and neare to the proporcon in charge of the buriall of my said wyfe (The pticlers wheareof be conteyned in A booke of accompts withe me the said Edward Remayninge towchinge the said buriall)
ALSO my will ys that all my lands tents Rents Revcons, svics and hereditaments, whiche I the said Edwarde Tildisley have, as well within the countie of Lanc, as in the countie of Yorke, in the Right of my said late wyfe Anne Tildisley deceassed, as also all my lands whiche I have by gyfte or graunte of anye pson or psons, late the Inheritaunce of George Entwisell esquier deceassed, and likewise all and singler my lands tents Rents Revcons, svics and hereditaments whatsoev with all and evye their appurtenncs whatsoev whearsoev the same lye or bee, shall ymediatlie after my deathe, come and be as the shall happen to growe or fall in possession revcon or otherwise to Edward Tildisley, sonne and heire apparaunte of my said sonne Thomas Tildisley, after that he the said Edwarde shall accomplishe the Age of twentie and one yeares, and to the heires males of the body of the said Edwarde Tildisley to be lawfullie begotten, And further accordinge to suche uses and lymitacons as be sett downe and conteyned in a paire of indenturs leadinge [to] the use of a fyne conteyninge the Inheritaunce of my said wyfe, and other lands in the countie of lanc, which said Indenturs be enrolled Amongste her mats Records at lanc, And doe beare date the ffirste daie of ffebruarye in the ffourthe year of the Reigne of or sovaigne ladie the quenes matie that now ys [1562]
AND my will ys that the said uses conteyned in the saide Indenturs shall Remayne contynewe and be, as they be sett downe in the same Indenturs from heire to heire, withoute discontynuance or alteringe the same to the dishenherison priudice or hurte of mye heire or heirs whiche maye or oughte to take benefite by the said indenturs Inrolled or uses therein conteyned
NEVERTHELESSE yt is my meaninge will and mynde that he the said Edward Tildisley sonne and heire of my said sonne Thomas Tildisley, and his heirs males and the heirs males of me the said Edward Tildisley (beinge in actuall possession of the said lands) maye from tyme to tyme, make to his or their wyffe or wyffs lawfull Joincture or Joincturs for terme of lyfe of suche wyffe or wyffs in name of their ffeoffamente and dower, of anye lands pte of the prmisses (The capitall howse and demayne lauds of Morlies onlie forprised and excepted) so that the same lands so to be assured in Joincture or ffeoffamente and dower to such wyffe or wyffs doe not extende above the thrid pte of the whole Inheritaunce.
AND also to graunte Reasonable porcon of lands or Annuytie, or Annutys to his or their yonger sonne or sonnes for terme of their sevall lyves for their maintennce and prfermentes
AND ffurther to charge the prmisses or anye pcell theirof, withe conveninte and Reasonable some or sorhes of money for the Advaucemente in mariage of evye suche doughr or doughrs as he the said Edwarde Tildisley, or the heirs males of me the said Edwarde shall happen to have
AND also to make leasses for terme of three lyves, or twentie one years accordinge to the statute of the xxxijth yeare of the Reigne of Kinge henrie the eighte maid concerninge leasses to be maid by tehnts in taille.
ALBEYT yt is and shalbe lawfull for the said Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley and his heirs males, and the heirs males of me the said Edwarde Tildisley beinge in Actuall possession as is aforesaide, to make Alienacon and sale of anye quilitie or porcon of lands distante from the capitall howses and dernayne lands of Morleys, Withgill, and Entwisell, so that the money for whiche suche landes so to be solde be bestowed and Imployed upon other lands to be purchased more coniodious for the said Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley, and his heirs males, and the heirs males of me the said Edwarde Tildisley, and the same to be tyed in use accordinglie, as thenheritaunce of my said wyfe is lymitted and sett downe in the said Indenturs Inrolled, and the same to be done and pfyted within the tearme of two years next after such said quilitie or porcon of lands so to be solde as aforesaide.
AND whearas sute in lawe haithe byn heartofore dependinge, As well in the highe Courte of Chauncerie at Westmr Betwixte Robte Worseley and xpofer Anderton Esquiers pl, and me the saide Edwarde Tildisley, Deft, as also in the Dutchie Chamber at Westmr), betwixte the said Robte Worsley pl, and me the said Edward, deft, as by the Records in the saide sevall Corts Remayninge yt maye fullie appeare, for the Righte Intereste and tytle of three messuags or tents in Tildesley in the countie of Lane, some tymes the Inherataunce of my late ffather Thurstan Tildisley esquier deceassed, now in the sevall tenures or occupacons of Charles Davenporte, xpofer mon, and Roger Mather, or their assignes of the aunciente and yearlie rente of seven pownds or their abouts, whiche They the saide Robarte Worseley and xpofer Anderton doe p'tende tytle unto, by force of certen Indenturs of Bargaine and sale, amongeste other conveyauncs to them and their heirs made by my nephewe Thurstan Tildisley deceassed, late ffather to my cosen Thomas Tildisley of grais Inne gent, Whiche Indenturs doe beare date aboute the ffirste daie of ffebruarie anno octavo Elizabethe Regine [1565-6] whiche Indenturs and other conveyaunce by them the saide Robte Worseley and xpofer Anderton, sett forthe for the maintenaunce of their said tytle in and to the saide three messuags in Tildesley, was cowntpleaded by me the said Edwarde in bothe the saide Corts by force of the said Indenturs Inrolled bearinge date the ffirste daie of ffebruarie anno quarto Regine Elizabethe &c. [1561-2] whearupon an order was sett downe in the said Corte of Duchie Chambr Termino trinitatis Anno 23 Elizabethe Regine [1581] That the said Robte Worsley maye (if he will) bring his accont of Waste at lawe, againste me the said Edward Tildisley, for that ende to trye by issue at the comen lawe irr whome the Revcon and Inheritaunce of the saide three messuags or tents in Tildesley ys, or of righte oughte to be, whearin he the said Robte Worsley haith not as yet pceded. And for that my said cosen Thomas Tildisley of grais Inne, haithe Released and quyte claymed from hym and his heirs, to me the said Edwarde Tildisley, and to my said sonne Thomas Tildisley and to or heirs all his Right intereste tytle and demaunde, Which he the said Thomas Tildisley of grais Inn, or his heirs haithe, or of Righte oughte to have in or to the said three messuags in Tildisley, withe warrantie againste him the said Thomas Tildisley of grais Inne, and his heirs, as by his said Release under his hande and sealle, withe me the said Edwarde Tildisley Remayninge, yt may fullie appeare. By force of whiche Indenturs Inrolled bearinge date the firste daie of ffebruarie Anno quarto Regine Eliz. [1561-2] prdict together withe the ffyne upon the saide Indenturs Remayninge of Recorde at lanc , bearinge date die lune in quinta Septimanie quadragessime, Anno quarto Eliz. Regine pred. [1562] Together withe the said Release, workithe suche matter, as the saide Robte Worseley and xpofer Anderton and their heirs be excluded from the saide three messuags in Tildesley late the Inheritaunce of my said late father Thurstan Tildisley, both in lawe and conscience.
THEREFORE my will and mynde ys, That neither he the saide Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley, nor his heirs males, nor the heirs males of me the said Edwarde nor anye of or heirs shall at anye tyme hearafter, alienate the said three messuags or tents in Tildisley to anye pson or psons to the Dishinheritinge of anye of my heirs. And the rather for that the said three messuags lye in Tildesley, whearof I have my name, And also was pcell of thenheritaunce of my said late father Thurstan Tildisley deceassed, whiche movethe me the Rather to contynewe the said lands in my name and to posteritie,
AND in Remembraunce of my said Cosen Thomas Tildisley of grais Inne his good will, my will and mynde ys That my said cosen Thomas Tildisley shall have towards his exhibicon at grais Inne the some of twentie pownds of lawfull money of Englande for terme of ffyve years nexte ensuyuge the date of this my will, at the feasts of the Nativitie of sancte John Baptiste, sancte Michaell tharkangell, the nativitie of or lorde god, and the Annunciason of or ladie by equale porcons yearlie to be paide upon Reasonable demaunde, yf my said cosen Thomas Tildisley shall fortune so longe to lyve,
AND whearas yt haithe pleased God to sende to my said sonne Thomas Tildisley at this prnte, yssue.three Doughrs, vidz. Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley, and Elizabethe Tildisley, whome I accepte as myne owne children, and myndfull of their prferments accordinge to the bonnde of nature, Theirfore my mynde and will ys, That she the saide Anne Tildisley shall have for her prfermente in mariage, the some of one Thouzande marks of lawfull &c, and to be paid to the said Anne Tildisley at convunyente Daies of paymente, before that she the said Anne shall accomplishe the age of Twentie years, And to be levied of all my goods and chattells, as well Realls as psonalls, whiche I the said Edwarde Tildisley shall be possessed of, the daie of my deathe (not Infringinge the trewe meaninge of this my will to charge suche smale porcons of goods and chattells as I have by this my will gyven and bequethed in pticularits to any pson or psons, But to be taken and goinge forthe of the Residue of my goods and chattells as ys afore menconed), yf the valewe of my goods whearof I shal be possessed of, and the cleare valewe of the pfetts arysinge forthe of my said farms ffrome the daie of my deathe, untill she the said Anne shall accomplishe the said age of twentie years will extende so ffarr, So THAT she the said Anne Tildisley be Ruled in the choyce of her husbande by the advyce and Councell of my sonne in lawe James Anderton of lostocke, gent, my said cosen Thomas Tildisley of grais Inne, gent, and my sonne Thurstan Tildisley or anie two of them,
AND my will ys, that the said Dorathie Tildisley shall have for her prfermente in Mariage the some of ffyve hundrethe pownds of lawfull money &c. to be paide accordinglie as ys mente and sett downe afore for the advauncemente in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, suster of the said Dorathie, And to be paid to the said Dorathie before she shall accomplishe the age of twentie and one yeares, at suche conveniente daies as shalbe thoughte conveniente by the discrecon of my executors, and withe suche spede as the money comynge to their hands arisinge of the yssues and pfetts of my said goods and ffarmes will extende, so that the said Dorathie be ordered and advised in the choyce of husbande accordinglie as is afore sett downe on the behalfe of the said Anne Tildisley her suster,
AND my will ys that the said Elizabethe Tildisley shall have for her prfermente in mariage the some of ffyve hundrethe pownds of lawfull money of Englande, to be paid accordinglie as ys mente and sett downe afore for the advauncement in mariage of the said Anne and Dorathie sisters of the said Elizabethe, And to be paide to the said Elizabethe before she shall accomplishe the age of twentie one years, at suche conveniente daies as shalbe thoughte conveniente by the discrecon of my executors, and with suche spede as the money comynge to their hands arysinge of the issues and pfetts of the said goods and ffarmes will extende unto, so that the said Eliz. be ordered and advised in choyce of her husbande accordinglie as ys sett downe on the behalf of the said Anne Tildisley and Dorathie Tildisley, sisters of her the said Elizabethe Tildesley
AND my will ys further That my doughr in lawe Elizabethe Tildisley during the terme of nynetene years nexte ensuynge the date of this my will (if she so longe doe lyve, and kepe her selffe sole and unmaried) shall have her aboade and beinge at my howse called the lodge in mirescoughe for the bringinge uppe of her saide ffower children, vidz. Edwarde Tildisley, Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley and Elizabeth Tildisley, withe the pfetts and cohiodits arisinge and growinge of these pcells of grounde followinge, vidz. the horse copie, nexte adioyninge to the said lodge in Mirescoughe, The Amblinge mare hey, being pcell of the outwoods of Mirescoughe, the hoppe yarde, The Cowpasture greves, The close lyinge upon the west syde of the barne at Mirescoughe, The Cowe pasture medowe, and the close in the pke of Mirescoughe neare the howse of Randulphe pensaye comenlie called the olde ffeilde, with the barnes, stables, and other howses, within the outwoods of Mirescoughe, and near adioyninge to the said lodge of Mirescoughe Together withe the orchards and gardens to the said lodge belonginge, with conveniente and sufficiente turbarie for her fewell Duringe her said aboade at Mirescoughe Payinge therfore yearlie to my executors the some of ffyve shillings at the feaste of Easter, and sancte Michaell tharchangell, yearlie by even porcons,
AND my will ys, that my said [sonne] Thurstan Tildisley shall have the use orderinge disposicon and Rule of the Residue of my said farme of Mirescoughe nowe in my occupcon, together withe the prmisses assured to the said Elizabethe Tildisley for the bringinge uppe of her said children, when the same shall fall by her mariage or otherwise, to him the said Thurstan and his assignes, for the terme of nynetene years next ensuynge the date of this my will, Paying theirfore to the quenes matie the yearlie rente of twentie fyve pownds at the rente daies usuall and accustomed. And further answeringe yearlie towards the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, dorathie Tildisley and Eliz. Tildisley doughrs of my said sonne Thomas Tildisley, the some of one hundreth marks at the feasts of Easter and sancte Michaell tharchangell by equall porcons,
AND my will ys, that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have likewise for terme of nynetene years next ensuynge the date of this my will, (if my intereste in the same shall contynewe so longe) The comodits arisinge and growinge of my Tyethes, in Amoundrnes,whiche I have by graunte from the quenes Matie, of the yearlie Rente of twentie three pownds nynetene shillings eight pence, Payinge to her Matie the said Rente at daies usuall. And also Aunsweringe towards the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne, dorathie, and Eliz. the some of one hundrethe marks of lawfull &c. at the feaste of the Nativitie of sancte John Baptiste, Duringe the said terme of nynetene years.
AND my will ys further, That my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley, shall have for terme of nynetene years from the feaste of sancte Michaell tharchangell nexte ensuynge the date of this my will, the comodits and proffetts arisinge and growinge yearlie of my tyethes of Gosenrghe, whiche I have by graunte, from Cuthbte Clifton late of Westbie in the said countie of lane esquier deceassed, by his Indenture bearinge date the twelveth Daie of Maye in the thridde of the Reigne of the quenes Matie that nowe ys [1561] of the yearlie rente of twentie fyve pownds and nyne shillings of lawfull Englishe money. Payinge theirfore to the said Cuthburte Clifton and his assignes, the said yearlie rente of twentie fyve pownds nyne shillings at Daies menconed in the said lease; and also payinge to the Curate or minister servinge the Cuere at Gosenrghe Churche, the some of twentie sixe shillings eighte pence, at the feaste of sancte Michaell Tharchangell yearlie. And further answeringe yearlie towards the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne, Dorathie, and Eliz., the some of ffortie pownds of lawfull &c. at the feaste of sancte Michaell tharkangell onlie,
WHICHE said sevall somes Resrved for and towards the prferments and the advauncemente in mariage of the said Amre Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley, and Elizabeth Tildisley, upon my saide farme of Mirescoughe, tyethes of Amoundrnes and tyethes of Gosenrghe, My will ys that the same shalbe aunswered and paied by my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley, at the Requcste of my said sonne in lawe James And'ton and my said doughtr in lawe Elizabethe Tildisley at suche tyme and tymes as the said Anne, Dorathie, and Elizabethe, or anye of them shalbe prferred in mariage upon Reasonable acquittaunce under thands and scalles of the said James Anderton, and Elizabethe Tildisley my said doughtr in lawe or the one of them witnessinge the Recypte of the same.
PROVIDED alwaies that the said Thurstan Tildisley shall not be charged nor chargeable withe the paymente of the said yearlie somes of money, Reserved upon my said farme of Mirescoughe Tyethes of Amoundrnes, and tyethes of Gosenrghe, Intended and ment for the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley, and Elizabethe Tildisley, as above is declared for the said terme of nynetene years, But Ratablie accordinge to the tearme and number of years as the said Thurstane shall possesse and enioye the said farme of Mirescoughe, tyethes of Amoundrnes, and tyethes of Gosenrghe aforesaid, after the deathe of me the said Edward Tildisley anye thinge before menconed in this my will to the contrarie theirof notwithstandinge.
AND my will ys that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have and possesse all my goods psonalls, over and besids my farmes above menconed, whiche shall appteyne to me the said Edwarde Tildisley at the Daie of my deathe, for the ffurther prfermente and advancemente in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley, and Elizabethe Tildisley, accordinge to the trewe intente and meaninge of this my will (other then suche goods remayninge at Morleys or els wheare) as heartofore weare gyven by me the said Edwarde Tildisley and my said late wyfe Anne Tildisley to my said sonne Thomas Tildisley as heirelomes by deede Indented theirof made, And others then suche goods as I the said Edwarde Tildisley shall gyve in pticularities to anye pson or psons by this my last will or otherwise,
NEVERTHELESSE yt is my meaninge That suche bedds, bedstocks, pewter, brasse and other Implements of howsholde as shall Remayne in or at the said lodge in Mirescoughe at the tyme of my deathe, that the said Elizabeth Tildisley my doughtr in lawe shall have the same at Reasonable pryces, and as the same shall fortune indifferentlie to be praised, Defalkinge and allowinge to my sonne Thurstan Tildisley the prises of the same in the money, intended for the prfermente in mariage of her said three doughtrs as aforesaid
ALSO my will mynde and Intente ys,That if all my goods and Chattels in maner and forme before menconed will not extende for the advancemente in mariage of the said Anne, dorathie and Elizabethe accordinglie as is before declared, within the said terme before specified That then suche some or somes of money so wantinge shalbe supplyed by Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley in conveniente tyme after that he the said Edward shall accomplishe thage of twentie one years. To whome I gyve and bequethe, after that he the said Edwarde shall accomplishe the said age of twentie one years my said ffarmes of Mirescoughe The tyethes of Amoundrnes, and the tythes of Gosenrghe aforesaid, withe Intente and meaninge and also upon Condicon, That for defaulte of Issue Male of the bodie of hym the said Edwarde lawfullie to be begotten, That then the said ffarmes and tyethes shall remayne and be to the heirs males of me the said Edwarde Tildisley accordinglie, as the Inheritaunce of my said late wyfe Anne Tildisley ys lymitted aird appointed by the said Indenturs Inrolled as aforesaid.
AND ffurther my will ys, that if it shall fortune my said ffarmes of Mirescoughe, tythes of Amoundrness and my tyethes of Gosenrghe together withe my goods psonalls Charged by this my will for the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne Dorathie and Elizabethe, before that the said Edwarde Tildisley sonne of my said sonne Thomas Tildisley shall accomplishe the age of Twentie and one years will extende to a greatter some then ys sett downe for the said Anne, Dorathie, and Elizabethe, That then the surplusage and overplus arisinge of the said farmes, tyethes and goods psonalls, shalbe devided and distributed into three equall pts, vidz. one pte to the said Edwarde Tildisley iff he shall then be lyvinge, one other pte to the said Thurstan Tildisley, and the thridd and laste pte to my said sonne Willm Tildisley, AND ffurther althoe that my Intente will and meaninge ys that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have the tyethe Cornes usuallie Inned at Thornton barne pcell of my tyethes of Amoundrnes, together withe the tyethes whiche shall growe or Renewe within the Grange of Rossall pcell of the Townshippe of Thornton, in the said countie of lanc, for the terme of lyeffe of him the said Thurstan, yf my Intereste in the said tyethes shall so longe contynewe.
YET neverthelesse for so muche as I have charged my said Chattells and goods psonalls somwhate depely for the prfermente in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley and Elizabethe Tildisley, Theirfore my will ys that the said tyethes of Thornton and Rossall shalbe in suspence, and not to be Receyved by the said Thurstan to his prp use, untill suche tyme as the money mente for the prferments in mariage of the said Anne Tildisley, Dorathie Tildisley, and Elizabethe Tildisley shalbe fullie satisfied contented and paied,
WHICHE done and pformed my will ys, that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have the said tyethes of Thornton and Rossall grange, for the terme of lyve of the said Thurstan (if my intereste in the same shall so longe contynewe) Payinge theirfore yearlie to the said Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley and to his heirs males, after that he the said Edwarde Tildisley shall accomplishe the full age of twentie and one years the some of ffower pownds of lawfull money &c. at the feaste of sancte Michaell tharchangell yearlie.
AND my will ys further that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have to him and his assignes, Duringe his lyve naturall those lands and tents in Asheley in the countie of lanc, nowe in the occupacon of the said Thurstan Tildisley, and late in the sevall tenurs or occupacons of George Sailburic, John loxholme, the late wiffe of Roger Saleburie, and the late wyfe of John Saleburie of the aunciente and yearlie Rente of fyve marks or their abouts, with oute anye thinge to me, or to my heirs yeldinge payinge or doinge for the same,
AND the tyethes of Corne onlie yearlie comynge and Renewinge in the townshippes or hamletts of Coinbrall, Asheley and Kidsnape pcell of my said farme of Gosenrghe for terme of fortie years nexte ensuynge the Deathe of me the said Edwarde Tildisley (if the said Thurstan shall fortune so longe to lyve) yeldinge payinge or allowinge yearlie to my executors towards the pformrnge of this my will, the some of ffower pownds fyeftenc pence of lawfull &c. vidz. for the tyethe cornes of Coinbrall, xliiijs iijd for the tyethe cornes of Asheley xxxs iiijd and for the tyethe cornes of kidsnape vjs viijd at the feaste of Assumpton) of or ladye, or within twentie daies then nexte ffollowinge upon lawfull demaunde of the same.
AND my will ys ffurther, That my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have to him and his assignes,all my estate tytle and terme of years intereste and demaunde which I the said Edward Tildisley have in or to that tente in Mirescoughe aforesaid in the said countie of lane' late in the occupacon of John Adamson yoman deceassed or his assignes of the yearlie rente of Threttie fyve shillings Aswell my estate and terme of years whiche I have by graunte from the said John Adamson, as also my terme of years Intereste and demaunde in the said terrlte whiche I have in revercon by graunte from one John Abington of henlyppe in the countie of Worcester esquier deceassed, by his Indenture bearinge date the xxjth daie of June in the xvijth yeare of the Reigne of or said sovaigne ladie the quenes matie that nowe ys [1575], with all escripts, muniments, and writings concerning the same. The said Thurstan upon his ptie and upon the ptie of his executors and assignes pforminge and accomplishinge all suche articles as be sett downe in certen articles in paper indented sealed syned and derived, made betwyxte me the saide Edwarde Tildisley of the one ptie, and the said John Abington upon the other ptie, bearinge date the ffyefthe daie of November, Anno RRne Eliz. xxj. [1579.]
AND my will ys further, That my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have to him and his assignes, the Water Corne Milne in Mirescoughe, scituate upon the tente their then late in the occupacon of Thomas Richardson deceassed together with all my pte and porcon of the said tente in Mirescoughe when yt shall fall called the overwoodde, netherwoodd, the Cawsey, and the Cawsey hey not heartofore graunted by my lease and deede Indented to Wiftm Richardson my s'vaunte, together withe all Rents and somes Res'ved by the said lease indented, and hearafter payable to me the said Edwarde Tildisley or my assignes, by force of the said lease indented
PROVIDED alwaies, that aswell I the said Edwarde Tildisley, as the said Wiftm Richardson and or assignes shall have or Cornes to be spente as well at the lodge in Mirescoughe, as also at the house of the said Wiftm Richardson in Mirescoughe, to be gronde at the said milne Justlie and trewlie tolle free, withoute paymente of anye telle Corne at the said milne, And if the milner shall use deceyte, or abuse him selfe in gryndinge, or orderinge the said Cornes, their to be gronde, Then the said Thurstan to Recompence the faulte, accordinge to good conscience, so often as occason shalbe mynistred, upon Dewe prooffe of the same.
AND yt is my will, that Willm Tildisley my yongeste sonne, shall have duringe lyve, all those lands, Rents, tenlts, Rev'cons, s'vics and hereditaments sett lyinge and beynge in the townes of Chyppen, Wheatley, thornley, and hambleton, in the Countie of lanc, of the aunciente yearlie Rente of nyne pownds ffower shillings and tenne pence of lawfull money &c. accordinge to the purporte and trewe meaninge of a paire of indenturs, conteyninge the graunte of the same, maide betwixte me the said Edwarde Tildisley and my said sonne Thomas Tildisley deceassed upon the one ptie, and the said Willm Tildisley of the other ptie, bearinge date the firste daie of November, anno vicessimo scdo Reg. Eliz. [1580]
AND my will ys further, that if the said Thurstan Tildisley my sonne by the death of John Adamson shall have and possesse the said tente called Stanzaker, by force of this my will in lewe and place of whiche said devise to the said Thurstan made, not meaninge nor Intendinge that the said Thurstan shall have boethe the said terrlts, vidz. the one called Stanzaker, and the other tente in Asheley late in the occupacon of the said George Saleburie, But the Choyce of the one of them, at the election of the said Thurstan, and my said sonne Wiftm to have the other,
THEIRFORE my will ys, that as the said tente called Stanzaker casuallie shall come to the possession of the said Thurstan, be yt in pte or in all, so Ratablie the said tente in Asheley, to come and be to the said Wiftm Tildisley for terme of lyfe of the said Thurstan Tildisley, and for the terme of three years nexte and Imediatlie ensuynge the deathe of the said Thurstan Tildisley, and his estate of srrender of the same tente to be made by the said Thurstan to my said sonne Willm Tildisley upon Reasonable Demaunde.
AND my will ys ffurther that my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley shall have the tuicon educacon and bringinge uppe of my said sonne Willm Tildisley withe his whole lyvinge and comodits whatsoever, upon Reasonable accompts to be made to the said Willm Tildisley when he shall accomplishe the age of twentie years, and in the meane tyme to see him the said Willm carefullie and sufficientlie broughte uppe to gods glorie in Vertue and learninge, and if it shall happen my said sonne Thurstan Tildisley, by the deathe of the said Edwarde Tildisley sonne of the said Thomas Tildisley, dyinge withoute Issue male of his bodie lawfullie begotten (whiche god defende) casuallie to come to the Inheritaunce of me the said Edwarde Tildisley and the Inheritance of my said late wyffe Anne Tildisley, or that the said Thurstan shall fortune to dye, havinge neither wyffe nor children,
THEN my will ys, that the said Thurstan Tildisley my soune shall Imediatlie after his entrie into the said lands and tents so fallinge to him as is aforesaid, or dyinge withoute wyffe or children, That then he the said Thurstan shall convey and assure the prmisses, and evie pte theirof, before to him lymitted by this my will, To the said Willm Tildisley and his assignes, yf he the said Willm Tildisley shall then fortune to be lyvinge, or have issue male of his bodie lawfullie begotten.
AND whereas my doughter Jane (withe my consente) hathe taken to her husbande, Willm Anderton of Anderton in the courrtic of lanc esquier, for whiche mariage, I the said Edwarde Tildisly have promysed to paie to the said Willm Anderton the some of ffower hundrethe marks at daies agreed upon, whearof pte is paied, my will ys that suche somes of money not paied, pcell of the said some of ffwer hundrethe marks, shall be paide to the said Willm Anderton, accordinge as his occasion shall Requier, yf I in my lyfetyme doe not paie the same, And to be goinge forthe of my said ffarmes of Mirescoughe Goosenghe and tyethes of Amound'nes aforesaid.
AND my will ys, that my Cosine Gilbarte Tildisley shall have duringe his lyffe the some of ffortie shillings of lawfull &c. at the feasts of sancte Martin the buysshoppe in winter, and penticoste by even porcons yearlie to be paied so that he doe not Alienate the same or anye pte theirof.
ALSO my will ys, and by these prnts I gyve and bequethe to my Cosin Richarde massie duringe his naturall lyve, one Annuytie or yearlie Rente of ffower marks of lawfull &c. at the feasts [as before] to be paied by my executors and to be yssuynge and goinge fforthe of my said ffarmes of myrescoughe, gosenrghe, and tyethes in Amound'nes, yf my intereste in them or anye of them Indure so longe.
ALSO my will ys, and likewise I gyve &c. to my s'vaunte Willm Sale in Recompence of his good srvise to mee done one Annuytie or yearlie rente of ffyve marks of lawfull &c. duringe the terme of his naturall lyffe, and to be paied at the said feasts [as before] by even porcons, and to be likewise yssuynge [exactly as the last bequest].
ALSO I gyve &c. to my s'vaunte John Carter in Recompence of his good srvice to me clone one Annuytie &c. of ffower marks of lawfull &c. duringe the terme of his naturall lyffe, and to be paied at the lyke feasts [as before and from the same places].
ALSO my will ys, that Willm Richardson my s'vaunte shall have for the terme of twelffe years nexte ensuynge the date of this my will the some of fortie shillings of lawfull &c. at the said feasts, and to be goinge forthe of the said ffarmes, yf the said Wiftm Richardson shall fortune so longe to lyve.
AND my will ys further that the said Willm Richardson shall have to him and his assignes, my estate, tytle &c. whiche I have in and unto the moietie &c. of that tent in Mirescoughe of the yearlie rente of ffyve marks, whiche I have by graunte of the said John Abington esquier late one of the quenes Clarks Comptrollers by his indenture bearing date &c.
ALSO my will ys that Richarde wilkinson my s'vaunte in Recompence &c. shall have duringe his lyve, all those Closurs of grounde nowe in his occupacon, vidz. &c. payinge theirfore yearlie sixe shillings eight pence.
ALSO my will ys, that John Durhame my s'vaunte shall have duringe his lyve, that tente in Astley late in the occupacon &c. payinge theirfore the auncient rente, withoute anye fyne to be paide for the same.
AND my will ys, that my s'vaunte John Strerzaker shall have duringe his lyve, all that messuage or tente in Broughton, nowe in the tenure of the said John Strerzaker, Payinge theirfore yearlie the aunciente rente and s'vices due for the same.
ALSO my will ys, That my s'vaunte Thomas woodburne shall have duringe his lyve the some of ffyeftene shillings yearlie over and beside the some of xxvs gyven to the said Thomas duringe his lyve, by my said late father in lawe Thomas leylande, and the same to be allowed in his rente reserved upon his tente, and my will ys that the Rente so reserved upon the same tente shall contynewe as yt now doethe vidz. at ffower marks p ann' and not to be Inhaunsed as the same was founde by my said father in lawe.
AND my will ys that Margarette hodgekinson late my s'vaunte maide shall have duringe lyve that cottage in Astley nowe in her occupacon Payinge the Rente accustomed, and also one cowe gresse yearlie in my Demayne at Morleys, and likewise one Roodlande of medowe yearlie in the same Demayne, withoute anye thinge payinge for the same.
ALSO I gyve to my s'vaunte Richarde Carter for a Remembraunce one incalfe heffer, the best that he will Choise, and that the said Richarde shall quietlie enioye his tente in widnes duringe his lyve, Payinge the ascustomed Rents &c. withoute anye fyne or Ingressome payinge for the same.
ALSO my will ys, that Anne leylande doughtr of willm leylande of london, gent, deceassed, shall remayne and be withe my said doughtr in lawe Elizabethe Tildisley, and to be mainteyned withe conveniente clothinge meate drinke and lodgeinge at the charge of my said doughtr in lawe Elizabethe Tildisley, for thentente to attende and wayte upon my said doughtr in lawe and her children at myrescoughe or elswheare, and for the further prfermente of the said Anne, my will ys, that my said executor and doughtr in lawe shall further the said Anne withe some conveniente mariage to some of my tennts sons or others havinge reasonable maintennes, and for her said furtheraunce in mariage the some of twentie sixe pownds threttene shillings fower pence at Reasonable daies to be paide, yf I in my lyfetime doe not bestowe the said Ann in mariage.
AND my will ys, that my executors shall have speciall care to see Thomas worthington sufficientlie maynteyned and kepte during his lyve withe clothinge meate drinke and lodgeinge he doinge suche works by the appointmente of my said executors as he Reasonable maye, and not to be Reiected in his old age, of whose goods for that purposse so to be kepte duringe his lyve, my said late wyfe Anne Tildisley did receyve twentie marks of lawfull money &c.
AND my will ys, that my executrs shall have a speciall care and Regard to see my olde s'vaunt John ffraunce mainteyned and kepte convenientlie in his old age in suche maner and sorte as by the discrecon of my said executors shalbe thoughte conveniente.
AND I will that all my s'vaunts not havinge anye legacie by force of this my will shall have as of my gifte, in remembrance of their s'vice evye of them one whole years waigs.
AND my will ys, that twentie pownds of lawfull &c. shall in conveniente tyme after my deathe be bestowed upon a newe stone Bridge in the highe waye over the water called brocke neare mirescoughe in the place accustomed for the ease of travellers, and in mendinge other highe waies theirabouts.
- AND also I gyve to the Righte hon'ble henrye Earle of derbie my good lorde and Mr as in humble remembrance of my dutye my beste horse or geldinge suche as his lordshippe will Choyse. To my brother in lawe John Rigmaiden esquier my beste horse or geldinge of three years olde, suche as he will Choose. To my brother in lawe xpofer Anderton esquier my beste horse or geldinge of like years nexte to that my said brother Rigmaiden shall choose. To my sonne in lawe Walter Rigmaiden and my doughtr Anne his wyfe to either of them two Angells. To my son in lawe James Anderton and my doughf Margarette his wyfe to either of them two Angells. To my son in lawe Willm Anderton and to my doughtr Jane his wyfe two fether bedds with all bed cloethes to the same belonginge, And likewise sixe yonge heffers wheareof three to be of three years olde, and the other three to be of two years olde. And ffynallie I the said Edwarde Tildisley doe ordeyne &c. my welbeloved sons the said Thurstan Tildisley and Willm Tildisley executors of this my laste Will and Testamente, and my said lorde and Mr and the said John Rigmaiden supvisors &c. In witnes wherof &c. [No witnesses. A codicil follows, but contains nothing of interest. Proved 1599]