Sunday, 30 September 2012

Esther Ann Tyldesley 1858-1950

Leigh Chronicle 6 September 1889:
A Deaf and Dumb Couple Married at Tyldesley. — On Wednesday afternoon the Tyldesley Chapel was filled with a large number of people, the occasion being the marriage of John Lowe, engine fitter, of Higher Openshaw, to Esther Ann Tyldesley, daughter of Mr. John Tyldesley, draper, 123, Elliott-street, Tyldesley. The service was conducted by the Rev. R. H. Widdows, of Oldham, and Mr. H. Herriott, secretary to the Manchester and Salford Adult Deaf and Dumb Association, acted as interpreter to the young couple, both of whom are deaf and dumb, and know the language of signs and fingers. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a navy blue dress trimmed with gold, and a wreath of orange blossoms adorned her head, from which depended a tulle veil. The bridesmaids were Miss. T. Walsh, Miss S. Tyldesley. Miss M. Tyldesley, and Miss E. Tyldesley, and were dressed in fawn and sea green with hats to match. Mr. W. Cordingley acted as best man. The motions of the interpreter as he spoke to the young couple, in the deaf and dumb language, were watched with keen interest by those present. It is stated that though it is 100 years since the chapel was built, a similar ceremony has never before been witnessed within its walls. It is a curious fact that the bridegroom has three brothers who are all afflicted like himself, whilst his three sisters are gifted with full powers of hearing and speech. Neither his father nor mother, both of whom are now dead, were afflicted. After the wedding feast, which took place at the house of the bride's father, the newly-married couple proceeded to Cleethorpes, in Lincolnshire, for their honeymoon. The wedding presents were numerous and of a useful character.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Thomas Tyldesley, King's Attorney 1603

Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635 was appointed King's Attorney for Lancashire in 1603, and can be found prosecuting cases at Preston in May that year.  By chance one of the cases heard at the session concerned land owned by Edward Tyldesley—possibly Edward Tyldesley 1582-1622, father of Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651: 
Session at Preston before Edward Warren, kt., Edward Rigbye, Nicholas Banester, Roger Nowell, Edmund Fletewood and John Braddill, esqs., justices of the peace, on Wednesday 4 May 1 James I (1603)... 
Margaret Brande, widow, of Lancaster, on 2 May 1603 entered on pasture there called Crone Mosse, occupied by Richard Southend and owned by Edward Tyldesley, esq. [1]... 
Thomas Tyldesley [2] esq., the king's attorney for Lancashire, prosecuted. The sheriff is ordered to secure the appearance of John Shirburne and the others indicted (except the Bullers), including John Ingham. 
1. Cases under Stat. 8 Hen. VI, c. 9.
2. Tyldesley, who succeeded Hesketh as attorney in this year, remained prosecutor during the period covered by the rest of this volume [FN1].

1. Lancashire Quarter Sessions Records 1590-1606, James Tait, Chetham Society SS77, 1917

Friday, 28 September 2012

Christ's College, Cambridge

The first volume of the Biographical Register of Christ's College compiled by John Peile [FN1] includes details of two Tyldesleys:
Tylslay, Edward: mat. pen. 1544 Nov. He and Thomas were possibly sons of Thurstan Tyldesley of Wardley, Lanes, who died 1553 (see Croston-Baines, 4. 333): but the dates are not clear. The names Thomas and Edward occur plentifully among the Tyldesleys of Tyldesley, of Wardley and of Morley's Hall in Astley, Lanes.: but I cannot identify these two certainly. Edward of Tyldesley and Morley's Hall (brother of Thomas of Wardley) who died 1587 had sons Edward and Thomas—but according to the pedigree in Croston-Baines (4. 333) he was married in 1560: also Thomas was the elder brother. 
Tylslay, Thomas: imp(ubes): i.e. too young to take the oath at matriculation 1544 Nov. The matriculation of these youthful non-jurors (who appear frequently) seems to have been valid.
In the second volume of his work. Peile noted that he had made an error—Thomas was actually recorded as "Thur" and was therefore likely to be Thurstan:

Lunn suggests that Edward Tyldesley was the son of Thurstan Tyldesley and Jane Tyldesley née Langton, and Thurstan Tyldesley was his nephew, the son of Thomas Tyldesley and Jane Tyldesley, née Birkenhead [F2].

1. Biographical Register of Christ's College, John Peile, 1905
2. The Tyldesleys of Lancashire, John Lunn, 1966 at page 51

Thursday, 27 September 2012

The Garstang registers 1573-1667

These are the entries which were included by Henry Fishwick in The History of Garstang [FN1].  Further register entries may be found in an earlier post.
B.    A child of Mr. Tildesleys was buried the xviij die.
M.    Mr. Walter Rygmade and Anne Tyldesley the xxi die.
C.    Anne, the doghter of Mr. Thomas Tyldesley, the xxix die.
C.    Edward, the son of Edward Tildesley of the Lodge Esq., the 14th day.
B.    Mrs. Anne Butler de Kirkland, Lady of ye towne, the 29 day.
B.    Thurstan Tildesley de Stanzaker the 22 day.
B.    Mr. Cuthbert Tyldesley de Stanzaker 13th.

1. The History of Gastang Part I, Henry Fishwick, Chetham Society FS104, 1878

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Addin Tyldesley 1877-1962

25 Years Clerk
Former Tyldesley Man's Record
Mr. Addin Tyldesley, son of the late Counc. and Mrs. R. Tyldesley [FN1], who left Tyldesley many years ago, has completed 25 years as clerk to the Rothwell Urban Council, and at the annual meeting last week was warmly congratulated.
Mr. Tyldesley, who is well known in the town, referred to his 25 years' association with the Council, and said what encouraged him most was the kindness with which successive chairmen had received his services.
The Chairman of the Council and several members highly praised Mr. Tyldesley's work as clerk, all being of the opinion that when the Council made the choice of clerk it was a very good one. "When things are balanced up in the years to come," said one Councillor, " it will be found his work has left a deep impression on the development of the town." 
A report states: " The invaluable services Mr. Tyldesley has rendered to Rothwell since 1910, by his constant devotion to public business and the readiness with which he responds to the many calls made upon him, together with the tact and courtesy he always shows have won for him respect and admiration in the town and district."
Mr. Tyldesley, it will be remembered, received his early municipal training in the Tyldesley Council Clerk's office, and was one of the leading and most brilliant swimmers of the day. He represented England in the Olympic Games.

1. Ralph Tyldesley 1840-1913 and Priscilla Tyldesley (née Calland) 1853-1914

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Albert Tyldesley 1884-1921

(click image for larger version)

Albert Tyldesley was born on 13 March 1884 and died on 1 March 1921. In the report of his funeral in the Leigh Chronicle his name was wrongly given as Alfred Tyldesley:  
The death occurred on Tuesday, after a long illness, of Mr. Albert Tyldesley, painter and decorator, of 47, Church-street. Mr. Tyldesley, who was only 36 years of age, was taken ill about the middle of December, and his death resulted from an internal complaint. He was a native of Tyldesley, but after serving his apprenticeship with Mr. J. W. Hollows, decorator, of Leigh, commenced business on his own account. He was much respected in the town, and had a large circle of friends. He was a Freemason and a member of the Conservative Club. He leaves a widow and three children. The interment is fixed to take place at Leigh cemetery at noon on Saturday. 
The funeral of the late Mr. Alfred Tyldesley, painter and decorator, of Church-street, Leigh, took place on Saturday at noon, the remains being interred at Leigh cemetery. The Rev. F. H. Campion conducted the service at the graveside, and the Rev. L. S. Murdoch performed the masonic ritual. The funeral cortege consisted of the following:—Mr. John Tyldesley (father), brothers Fred, John and Frank; Mr. V. Swallow and Mr. Robt. Tyldesley. Messrs. G. H. Swallow, J. Marsh, W. Tyldesley, T. Marsh and F. Tyldesley (cousins), L. Kay (Bolton), J. Grundy Irlam), T. Valentine and H. Delves (workmen. In addition representatives were present from the Hope Lodge, Ashton-in-Makerfield, brethren from the County Masonic Club, and four representatives of the Master Painters.

1. Leigh Chronicle 4 March 1921
2. Leigh Chronicle 11 March 1921

Monday, 24 September 2012

Rigmayden the lunatic

(click image for larger version)

Anne Tyldesley was one of the daughters of Edward Tyldesley -1587.  On 21 May 1573, Anne Tyldesley married Walter Rigmayden, who later became insane. Both Walter and Anne Rigmayden are mentioned in paragraph 58 of Edward Tyldesley's will: "To my sonne in lawe Walter Rigmaiden and my doughtr Anne his wyfe to either of them two Angells". 

Further information is given in The History of Garstang [FN1], from which it appears that even lunacy did not allow Rigmayden to escape his fines for recusancy:
Walter Rigmayden was born before the year 1557 (as he is stated to have been over thirty in 1587). He was married at Garstang church on 21 May 1573, to Anne, the eldest daughter of Edward Tildesley of Weardley, Esq., by Ann his wife, daughter and heiress of William Leyland of Morleys, Esq.; the marriage settlement was dated 4 December 1573. Walter Rigmayden, like his father, was a "recusant," and in 1577 the Lancashire commissioners reported he was worth in lands 40l. a year, and " in goods poore." He had issue one son (Thomas) and three daughters, all of whom appear to have died before 1586.[16] Thus the last male of the fine old Lancashire family, being childless, "poor in goods," and persecuted for his religion, became a lunatic, and on 10 November 1587, an Inquisition was opened at Preston touching his incapacity to succeed to his father's estate. The original MS. is so mutilated and imperfect that the details cannot be deciphered. In 1598, Sir Richard Houghton, as high sheriff of the county, reported to the bishop of Chester that he had apprehended four recusants, viz: "Edwd Landrie, Wm Anderton, John Ashton, and Elizabeth Tyldesley, widow, [17] and taken their bonds," but he adds, "Walter Rigmayden of Weddetar is a Lunatic and has been so these 10 years. I think Mr. Anderton of Lostock, who has the government of his living, will take orders for his payment of such sums as have been imposed upon him." [18]
16 We have no record of the burial of Maria.

17 Probably the widow of Thomas Tyldesley of Morleys, brother to Walter Rigmayden's wife. [FN2]
18 State Papers, Dom. Ser. cclxvi, No. 18.

1. The History of Gastang Part II, Henry Fishwick, Chetham Society FS105, 1879
2. This would be Elizabeth Tyldesley née Anderton

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Commission of the Peace 1601

Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635 was appointed to the Commission of Peace on 5 December 1601. This was a renewal of an earlier appointment since, for example, William and John Reeve of  Westhaughton were ordered to appear before him in July 1601.
QUARTER SESSIONS ROLL, 44 Elizabeth [1602]. [1]
Session at Lancaster before Thomas Preston and John Calverte, esqs., justices of the peace, on Monday 11 Jan. 44 Elizabeth (1601-2). 
Commission of the Peace—5 Dec. 1601. [2]
*Sir Thomas Egerton, lord keeper.             *Thomas Preston 
*William earl of Derby                                 *Ralph [3] Barton
*Richard bishop of Chester                         Thomas Gerard 
*Edward lord Morley                                    Edward Standishe 
*Robert Cicill, kt., princl. secretary             Francis Tunstall
*John Savile, baron of Exchequer               John Ireland 
*Christopher Yelverton, serjt. at law          *Edward Walmysley
*Thomas Welmysley, judge                         *James Ashton
*Thomas Gerrard kt.                                    Richard Fletewood
*John Byron kt.                                          *Edmund Hopwood
*Richard Molyneux kt.                                Geoffrey Osbaldeston
*Edward Fytton kt.                                   *Thomas Tyldesley
*Peter Leighe kt.                                      *Thomas Ireland
*Richard Houghton kt.                               James Anderton
*Edward Warren kt.                                  *Edward Rigbye
*Cuthbert Halsall kt.                                  *John Wrightington
*Nicholas Moseley kt.                                *Nicholas Banester
*John Brograve}                                        Roger Nowell
*Thomas Hesketh } Queen's attorneys      Edmund Fleetwood 
*Edmund Trafford                                      Alexander Reddyshe
John Byron                                               John Braddell
*Thomas Holecrofte                                  John Bradshawe 
*Robert Hesketh                                       Barnaby Kitchen 
*Richard Bold                                            John Calvert 
*Richard Ashton                                        Myles Doddynge 
*Richard Holland                                       Robert Pilkington
*Ralph Ashton 
* The "quorum."
1. Sessions House, Preston, shelf AA.i.
2. On m.17d is another commission dated 26 March 1602. It contains the names asterisked in the list above, but not always in the same order : R. Fletewood and G. Osbaldeston added to the quorum. On m.26 is another dated 13 Aug. It omits Yelverton and adds Sir John Fortescue; B. Kitchen is added to the quorum.  
3. Elsewhere called Randle.

1. Lancashire Quarter Sessions Records 1590-1606, James Tait, Chetham Society SS77, 1917

Saturday, 22 September 2012

A Pelican in its Piety

The Oxford Guide to Heraldry contains the above illustration of the arms of Thurstan Tyldesley, taken from the records of the College of Arms and apparently dating from around 1560 [FN1].

Thurstan Tyldesley is included in the Tyldesley Pedigree published by Gillow and Hewitson and was the father of Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635, the prominent lawyer of Gray's Inn.

The arms are quartered and reflect the marriage of Thurstan Tyldesley's father Thomas Tyldesley to Jane Birkenhead.  Tyldesley (1 & 4)  is argent, three molehills vert, and Birkenhead (2 & 3) is sable, three garbs Or, a bordure Argent.

Also shown is the Tyldesley crest of a Pelican in its Piety. Here the pelican is vulning—tearing at its own breast to release blood to feed its young. It was long believed that the pelican would behave in this way and consequently the pelican came to symbolise the Passion of Jesus and the Eucharist. Hence in Adoro te devote, St Thomas Aquinas wrote:
Pie pellicane, Iesu Domine!
Me immundum munda tuo sanguine
Cuius una stilla salvum facere
Totum mundum quit ab omni scelere. 
O loving Pelican! O Jesus Lord!
Unclean I am, but cleanse me in Thy Blood!
Of which a single drop, for sinners split,
Can purge the entire world from all its guilt.
At Fox Hall in Blackpool, built by Edward Tyldesley 1635-1685, there was a stone carving of a pelican in its piety. Unfortunately all traces of Fox Hall were lost in the 1990s when it was demolished and replaced with this hideous building

1. The Oxford Guide to Heraldry, Thomas Woodcock and John Robinson, 1988 (Plate 10).

Friday, 21 September 2012

James Tyldesley 1760

On 5 June 1760, James Tyldesley, grandson of the Diarist was a party to the assignment of a mortgage in trust. This provides both his signature—Jas Tyldesley—and a clear impression of his seal. As can be seen from the extract below, the document confirms certain family relationships, including the fact that the Diarist had a brother, also named James Tyldesley: 
THIS INDENTURE QUADRIPARTITE made the fifth day of June in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty Between the Reverend Robert Rowbottom [FN1] of Lowton in the County of Lancaster Clerk and his Wife (late Ann Arrowsmith of Goulbourne in the said County Spinster of the first part), James Tyldesley of Holcroft in the said County Esquire of the second part Edward Mekinson of Whttingham in the said County Yeoman of the third part and Henry Calland of Culceth in the said County Yeoman  and Robert Porter of Goosnargh in the said County Gentleman of the fourth part 
Whereas by Indenture Tripartite bearing date on or about the Ninth day of ffebruary which was in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty four and made or mentioned to be made between Peter Ashton late of Ormskirk in the said County and then of the City of Chester Esquire of the first part James Tyldesley of Liverpoole in the said County Merchant (Uncle to the said James Tyldesley the party) of the second part and Catherine Tyldesley late of Ormskirk aforesaid and then of the City of Chester of the third part 
Reciting that by Indenture Tripartite bearing date the Twentyeightth day of October which was in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirteen and made or mentioned to be made between John ffranke, William Shaw and Peter Hart then all of Preston in the said County of Lancaster Gentleman (the two first being since dead) and the said James Tyldesley the Elder on the first part the said Peter Ashton on the second part and the said Catherine Tyldesley on the third part they the said John ffranke, William Shaw, Peter Hart and James Tyldesley the Elder for the Considerations therein mentioned did (by and at the request and with the Consent of the said Catherine Tyldesley testifyed as therein is mentioned), Demise and Grant to the said Peter Ashton his Executors Administrators and Afsigns ALL that Mefsuage and Tenement and the several Closes or parcells of Land thereunto belonging or therwith usually Occupied or Enjoyed situate lying and being in Whittingham aforesaid Containing by Common Estimation ffortyseven Acres of Land then late in the tenure or pofefsion of Richard Oliverson or his Assigns with all and singular Houses Edifices Buildings Gardens Lands Meadows Pastures Woods Underwoods Commons Common of Pasture...

1. The Reverend Robert Rowbottom died in 1763 and was buried at the Church of St Oswald, Winwick on 7 May 1763.

Thursday, 20 September 2012

The Bloody Papist Tyldesley

Mercurius Politicus was a weekly republican periodical edited by Marchmont Needham and first published in 1650. This initiative reflected Needham's second change of allegiance—from 1643 to 1646 he published Mercurius Britannicus attacking prominent Royalists then, having gained a Royal Pardon, he published Mercurius Pragmaticus from 1647 to 1649 in support of Charles I.

On 25 August 1651, the Seventh Earl of Derby, James Strange, and his forces had suffered defeat at the Battle of Wigan Lane—the encounter in which Sir Thomas Tyldesley was slain. Strange escaped and was able to join Charles II shortly before the disastrous Battle of Worcester on 3 September 1651. Having seen Charles II on his way to safety, Strange surrendered to Captain Oliver Edge and was granted quarter. Nonetheless he was to be executed on 15 October 1651

The issue of Mercurius Politicus for 2 to 9 October 1651 included an account of the interrogation of Strange, from which the following is an extract:
From Chefter 4. October [1651]:
By the examination of the Earl of Derby, we have had a full view of the late defigne that was laid in Lancafhire, and the parts adjoyning: for he confeffeth, that one Ifaac Berkenhead came to him in the Ifle of Man (from Scotland, whither he had carried letters from certain Presbyterians in the South of England: That this Berkenhead went away out of Man to Scotland, where he was taken prifoner; and upon his apprehefion two of the confpirators, by name Sir Thomas Tildefley and Major Afhhurst, immediatly fled out of Lancafhire into the Ile of Man, where they acquainted the faid Earle, how they feared a difcovery of their plot by Birkenheads apprehenfion, which they had much laboured to promote, and brought to this effect, that they expected a generall rifing of the Presbyterians in Lancafhire, they being provided both with Arms and Ammunition, and that they had laid a plot for the furprifing of Leverpoole. For the carrying on of all which he faith, that both Afhurft & Tildefley told him of feverall Commiffions that were to have been brought by Berkenhead,for fome Gentlemen in Lancfhire; difappointed by his apprehenfion.
He cofeffeth alfo, that when himfelf landed lately here in England, both Afhurft and Maffey told him, they had a letter figned by the Scots King, and the Minifters in his Army, directed to the Minifters of Manchefter, which (he faith) their King himfelf alfo told him, was to move them to beftirre themfelves in the Scots behalfe. Which letter both Maffey and Afhurft went towards Manchester to deliver, but were prevented by fome of the Parliaments Fortes being there. 
He confeffeth farther, that himfelf was defigned to be Generall of the Counties of Lancafter, Chefter, Salop, Worcester, Stafford, and all the North Wales Counties, Sir Tho. Tildefley being intended for his Major Generall, And that he had left his Counteffe in truft with the Ifle of Man, With one Mafter Greenhough to affift her, as Governor.
By which particulars of confeffion we have occafion to obferve the carnality and injuftice of the proceedings of our quondam Brethren of the Miniftery, and others of the Prefbyterian opinion, in that tey made no fcruple to joyn with this Derby, whom they knew to be a man confederated with the bloody Papift Tildefley, and others of that ftamp and opinion: As alfo to confider the mercy and goodneffe of God, in breaking that their curfed combination, whereby the principal actors of the Popifh party had laid the Scene in Lancafhire, and the adjacent Counties,to carry on the defign of the common enemy...

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Christopher Tyldesley—Royal Goldsmith 1398

Christopher Tyldesley was appointed Royal Goldsmith by Richard II on 25 April 1398—an appointment which was confirmed by Henry IV. He was commissioned by Henry IV to fashion at least two collars of esses, the first in 1407:
In the Issue Roll of the Exchequer, Michaelmas, 8 Henry IV., occurs the following entry:—' Paid 3 November to Christopher Tildesley, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, for a collar of gold worked with the Motto Soveignez, and the letter S. and ten annulets garnished with nine pearls, twelve diamonds, eight rubies, eight sapphires, and a large clasp in shape of a triangle with a large ruby set in it, and garnished with four pearls £385 6s 8d'...[FN1]

1. Handbook of Heraldry, John Cussans, 1893

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Preston Guild 1722 and 1742

Volunteers at Lancashire Record Office have recently finished transcribing 27 Guild Rolls from 1397 to 1992—giving almost 45,000 names of Preston's burgesses past and present.

Tyldesleys were admitted in 1622, 1682, 1702, 1722, 1742, 1782, 1802 and 1822—with Roger Ford, a servant to the Tyldesleys, being admitted in his own right in 1642.

The entries for 1722 and 1742 can be downloaded as Excel spreadsheets. In each year 2 Tyldesleys were admitted:
3458 Tildesley Thomas Foreign Burgess son of Fletewood [Tildesley], deceased
3459 Tildesley James Foreign Burgess merchant Liverpool

3659 Tyldesley James foreign burgess gentleman Warrington
3660 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess son of Fleetwood [Tyldesley], deceased London
In 1722 Thomas Tyldesley (3458), son of Fleetwood Tyldesley and so grandson of Thomas Tyldesley 1657-1715 the Diarist. And James Tyldesley (3459) is the brother of the Diarist

By 1742, Thomas Tyldesley (3659), son of Fleetwood Tyldesley has moved to London and James Tyldesley (3660), presumably the brother of the Diarist, has moved to Warrington.  Between the two sessions James Tyldesley had absconded—in 1730—which may explain his decision to leave Liverpool.

Monday, 17 September 2012

Fame and popularity in Canada...

Leigh Journal 14 December 1934:
Tyldesley Swimmer's Son in Canada
Mr. Raymond Tyldesley, a son of Mr. Thomas Tyldesley, who many years ago, was a prominent Tyldesley swimmer, is gaining fame and popularity in Canada. Mr. Tyldesley, who is still in his twenties, is an accomplished musician. At the present time he is a violinist and broadcasts regularly from a Canadian radio station where he is employed. He is also the leader of a dance orchestra, the Radiocasters. He is also a 'cellist and a saxophone player. Mr. Tyldesley was born at Fernie, British Columbia. His grandfather, Mr. Ralph Tyldesley, was a former superintendent at the Tyldesley Baths, and his uncle, Mr. Addin Tyldesley, is now Town Clerk of Rothwell, Northants. Another uncle is Mr. Ralph Tyldesley, a member of the Tyldesley Chapel choir.

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Preston Guild 1702

Volunteers at Lancashire Record Office have recently finished transcribing 27 Guild Rolls from 1397 to 1992—giving almost 45,000 names of Preston's burgesses past and present.

Tyldesleys were admitted in 1622, 1682, 1702, 1722, 1742, 1782, 1802 and 1822—with Roger Ford, a servant to the Tyldesleys, being admitted in his own right in 1642.

The entries for 1702 can be downloaded as an
Excel spreadsheet and include 11 Tyldesleys:
2860 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess esquire Lodge
2861 Tyldesley Edward foreign burgess son of Thomas Tyldesley gentleman
2862 Tyldesley Fleetwood foreign burgess brother of Edward Tyldesley
2863 Tyldesley James foreign burgess brother of Fleetwood Tyldesley
2864 Tyldesley Charles foreign burgess brother of James Tyldesley
2865 Tyldesley James foreign burgess brother of the aforesaid Thomas Tyldesley
2866 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess brother of Edward of Lodge, deceased
2867 Tyldesley Ralph foreign burgess brother of Thomas Tyldesley gentleman
2868 Tyldesley John foreign burgess gentleman Stanzaker, Myerscough
2869 Tyldesley Francis foreign burgess son of John Tyldesley
2870 Tyldesley Henry foreign burgess brother of Francis Tyldesley
These Tyldesleys split into two family groupings.

First there is Thomas Tyldesley 1657-1715 the Diarist (2860) and his four sons Edward Tyldesley (2861), Fleetwood Tyldesley (2862), James Tyldesley (2863) and Charles Tyldesley.(2864).  The Diarist's brother James Tyldesley, later known as a merchant in Liverpool, is also present (2865), as are the Diarist's two uncles, Thomas Tyldesley (2866) and Ralph Tyldesley (2867).

Second, there are the Stansacre Tyldesleys—John Tyldesley (2868) and his two sons Francis Tyldesley (2869) and Henry Tyldesley (2870).

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Jabez Tyldesley 1914

Leigh Chronicle 6 March 1914:
Leigh's Oldest Man.
Mr. Jabez Tyldesley, the oldest man in Leigh, is 92 years old to day. In a letter he wrote to Coun. J. J. Darwell on Monday he says:— 
"Dear sir, I am sending you a photo of myself as a memento of my birthday. I was born on March 6th, 1882 [FN1], so I am 92 years old on Friday next. I am not boasting of my age, but 1 feel glad that I am in health and strength. I have seen great changes in Leigh that would fill a local paper. I have lived in the reigns of King George the Fourth, King William the Fifth, Queen Victoria, King Edward the Seventh, and now I am glad that I am living under King George the Fifth, as I think that he is on our side. 
I was living in the days of the Corn Laws and when Tariff Reform was on, when flour was from 4s 9d to 5s a dozen, and when bread was 3lbs. for 1s., and now that we are living under Free Trade I can buy two nine pound loaves for the same price as we should have to give for one pound of bread at that time, so I say 'God bless Free Trade,' as it is one of the finest measures ever placed on the English statute book; and now I am sorry to find that they have found us a candidate, who is such a strong tariff reformer, in the Conservative candidate for Leigh, who would take us back to the days of the " Hungry Forties " again. 
I am also sorry to see the Labour party playing so much into the hands of the Tory party. I am not against the Labour movement, but when we have such a member for Leigh as Mr. Raffan, who is such a grand man and has done so much for the Labour programme, and now putting a man up like they are I do think that they are making a mistake. Their man is certain to be at the bottom of the poll, but he may possibly lose us the seat we now hold, as they are doing all they can to get the Tory candidate in. If Mr. Hatchard had made the same speech in the year 1839 that he made in Leigh last week he would have been pulled off the platform, and sent to the place he mentioned in his speech on that occasion when he said he would tell them to go to blazes; but I am hoping and trusting that I shall live to see the day when we have one man one vote, and Ireland living under Home Rule, for it is a right and just measure Home Rule was taken from them in a wrongful manner, when the people had no power nor vote. 
I am looking forward to the passing of the Welsh Disestablishment Bill and the Land Reform Bill becoming law, and then we shall be living in brighter and happier days when we get these measures passed, but it is only the Liberal party that can give them to us. Now I must thank you for your kindness to me, and I must now close this letter with kind regards — Yours truly, Jabez Tyldesley "

1. The year 1882 is clearly incorrect. Intriguingly, Lancs OPC has a baptism of "Jabez Tildesley - Son of Samuel Tildesley & Margt." at the Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Leigh on 17 May 1823. This could have been a late baptism, but it seems more likely that Jabez Tyldesley was born on 6 March 1823 and so was aged 91 not 92. His age given on successive census returns is inconsistent.

Friday, 14 September 2012

Preston Guild 1682

Volunteers at Lancashire Record Office have recently finished transcribing 27 Guild Rolls from 1397 to 1992—giving almost 45,000 names of Preston's burgesses past and present. 

Tyldesleys were admitted in 1622, 1682, 1702, 1722, 1742, 1782, 1802 and 1822—with Roger Ford, a servant to the Tyldesleys, being admitted in his own right in 1642.

The entries for 1682 can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet and include 7 Tyldesleys:
2484 Tildesley Edward foreign burgess esquire Myerscough sworn
2485 Tildesley Thomas foreign burgess son of Edward Tildesley
2486 Tildesley Edward foreign burgess son of Thomas Tildesley
2487 Tildesley Thomas Hoplcraft foreign burgess brother of Edward Tildesley
2488 Tildesley Thomas foreign burgess brother of first Edward Tildesley senior sworn
2489 Tildesley Ralph foreign burgess brother of Thomas Tildesley sworn
2490 Tildesley John foreign burgess gentleman Stanzaker, Myerscough sworn
Three generations of Tyldesleys were therefore represented.  Edward Tyldesley 1635-1685 (2484), his son Thomas Tyldesley 1657-1715 the Diarist (2485) and two sons of the Diarist: Edward Tyldesley (2486) and Thomas Holcroft Tyldesley (2487). The Diarist's uncles, Thomas Tyldesley (2488) and Ralph Tyldesley (2489) were also present.  

Finally there was John Tyldesley (2490)—one of the Stansacre Tyldesleys.

Thomas Holcroft Tyldesley (2487) clearly gained his surname from his mother, Eleanor Holcroft. This cannot be the same Thomas Tyldesley whose birth on 10 January 1688 was noted in the Newchurch registers. Sadly, therefore, Thomas Holcroft Tyldesley must have died as a child.

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Charles Bridge Tyldesley 1938

Leigh Chronicle 10 June 1938:
Death of Mr. C. B. Tyldesley
Recent Retirement from Tyldesley Council

It is with regret that the "Chronicle" records the death of a prominent Tyldesley man, Mr. Charles Bridge Tyldesley, of Hough-lane Tyldesley. He died on Saturday at the age of 58 years.
In April Mr. Tyldesley retired from the Tyldesley Urban District Council after over 20 years service. Great tribute was then paid to his devotion to his long and valuable service to the township of Tyldesley. At the time Mr. F. Isherwood, J.P., who had just returned from Australia, intimated that Mr. Tyldesley's resignation from the Council came as a very great shock to him. Mr. Tyldesley then was none too well.
Mr. Tyldesley was the accountant to the Tyldesley Coal, Co., Ltd. He had been with the company since he was a boy of fifteen, and he enjoyed the esteem and respect of both employers and employees.
He had always been associated with the Tyldesley Chapel and was a trustee. He was also a trustee of the Leigh Savings Bank.
Mr. Tyldesley was greatly interested in the ancestry of the Tyldesley family and it is said that he succeeded in tracing it back to the reign of King Charles the Second.
A wife, daughter and son are left to mourn him. His daughter is Miss Helga Tyldesley, the talented amateur actress.
Many sympathetic people were in the vicinity of Tyldesley Cemetery on Wednesday afternoon when the funeral of Mr. C. B. Tyldesley took place.
There were many beautiful floral tributes. Office colleagues attended in strong numbers to pay their last respects. They were led by Mr.T. Bridge (director) and Mr. H. Scholes (general manager).
The Chairman of the Council (Mr. J. W. Davenport, J.P.) attended, accompanied by Mr. M. W. Coupe (Clerk). Mr. Davenport invited members of the Council and staff to attend, many accepted the invitation.
The service at the house and at the graveside was conducted by the Rev.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Lancashire Recusants during the Reign of Charles II—Part 1

In 1906, the Catholic Record Society published a list of recusants convicted during the reign of Charles II [FN1]. Joseph Gillow produced lengthy accompanying notes for Lancashire recusants, which are split here into separate posts.
Ditton [Prescot]
Johannes Houghton, gen            Eliz ux eius
Hugo Rawson, husb                   Ester Entwistle
Sara Tildesley,[1] spinster         Jacobus Cowley, husb 
1. The Tyldesleys of Ditton were descended from a younger son of the Wardley Hall family. Edward Tyldesley, of Ditton, died about 1616, and Ellen, daughter of John Ditchfield, of Ditton Hall, was the wife of Thomas Tyldesley, of Ditton. The will of Henry Tyldesley, of Ditton, was proved in 1677. 
Thurstan Tyldesley, lord of Tyldesley, obtained Wardley Manor with his wife, Margaret, daughter and coheiress of Jordan de Workesley, lord of Wardley. 
Edward Tyldesley, younger son of Thurstan Tyldesley, of Wardley Hall, by his second wife, Jane, daughter of Ralph Langton, baron of Newton, married Anne, daughter and heir of Thomas Ley land, of Morleys Hall in Astley, by Alice, daughter of Sir Edmund Trafford, of Trafford, and founded the family of Tyldesley of Morleys Hall and Myerscough Lodge. He had a large family, of whom were — Thomas, his successor; Thurstan, of Stansacre Hall in Myerscough, who married Mary, daughter of Robert Charnock, of Charnock and Astley, and had, Edward, of Douay College in 1585, Richard, Thomas, Robert, William, who married Alice, daughter of John Butler, of Kirkland Hall, and Cuthbert, who died at Stansacre Hall in 1667, probably the father of John Tyldesley, of Stansacre Hall, whose son and namesake sold the hall and estate and settled at Fornham St Genevieve, co. Suffolk, where he was a Catholic non- juror in 1717, died Feb. 18, 1723, leaving by Catherine, his wife, daughter of John Stafford, of Bury St Edmunds, a younger son William, who died in 1729, aged twenty, Elizabeth, died 1727, aged twenty-seven, Mary, died 1728, aged twenty-five, and the eldest son John, of Bury St Edmunds, will dated Feb. 8, 1734, proved April i, 1735, who by Jane, his wife, left daughters Frances, and Bridget, wife of Mr Hanne, of Deviock, co. Cornwall, brother to Fr Charles Hanne, S.J. 
Thomas Tyldesley, the eldest son of Edward, married Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Anderton, of Lostock Hall, and had issue — Edward, of whom hereafter, Anne, wife of Sir Cuthbert Clifton, of Westby Hall, Dorothy, wife of John Poole, of Poole Hall, co. Chester, and Elizabeth, Abbess of the English Convent at Gravelines. 
Edward, born in 1585, of Morleys Hall and Myerscough Lodge, married at Cartmel Priory Sept. 15, 1605, Elizabeth, daughter of Christopher Preston, of Holker Hall, who after her husband's death in 1622 married Thomas Lathom, of Parbold Hall, and thirdly Thomas Westby, of Burne Hall. Edward Tyldesley entertained James I at Myerscough Lodge during his royal progress from Scotland. He had issue — Sir Thomas, of Morleys and Myerscough, formally christened by the parson at Cartmel Priory Sept 10, 1612, major-general in the royal army, governor of Litchfield, slain at the battle of Wigan Aug. 5, 1651, and buried in the Tyldesley chancel at Leigh; and Edward, ob. infans, and buried at Cartmel Priory June 8, 1621. 
Sir Thomas by his wife Frances, daughter of Ralph Standish, of Standish Hall, by Bridget, daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux, of Sefton, Bart., had — Edward, born 1635, of Tyldesley, Morleys, Myerscough, and Fox Hall, Blackpool; Thomas, aged twenty-two at the Visitation of 1664, who married Mary, daughter of Alexander Rigby, of Layton Hall, and sister and coheiress of Sir Alexander Rigby, settled at Preston Bardsea, and died in 1712; Ralph, recusant of Myerscough in 1682, and living in 1694; Bridget, wife of Henry Blundell, of Ince Blundell Hall; Elizabeth Christian, O.S.A., at Paris, born 1638, professed 1656, died 1719; Frances, wife of Thomas Stanley, of Great Eccleston Hall; Anne, O.S.A., born 1641, professed 1657, and Abbess of the Augustinian Convent at Paris from 1698 till her death in 1720; Dorothy, O.S.A., born 1645, professed at Paris 1662, died 1705; Margaret, died young; and Mary, wife of Richard Crane. 
Edward, the eldest son, was at Douay College in 1650, was in the list for the intended order of the knighthood of the Royal Oak, and married (i) Nov. 26, 1655, Anne, daughter of Sir Thomas ffleetwood, of Calwich Hall, co. Stafford, Bart, Baron of Newton, co. Lancaster, by Gertrude, daughter of Thomas Eyre, of Hassop Hall, co. Derby, and (2) EHzabeth, daughter of Adam Beaumont, of Whitley, by whom he had a daughter Catherine, of Preston, spinster. By his first wife Edward had issue — Thomas, bom April 3, 1657, whose "Diary" was edited by the present writer in 1872 and 1873; Edward, recusant of Ribbleton, in 1679; James, living in 1713 ; Frances, buried at Leyland May 19, 1659; and Anna Maria, of Preston, spinster, will dated Mch 6, 1753, proved Dec. 5, 1755, and buried in the Tyldesley chantry at Leigh, Feb. 9, 1755, 
Thomas, the eldest son, of Morleys Hall, Myerscough Lodge, AstleyHail, and Fox Hall, an ardent Jacobite and a staunch recusant, was buried at Church Town, Garstang, Jan. 26, 1715, having been twice married, (i) in 1679, to Eleanor, daughter and coheiress of Thomas Holcroft, of Holcroft Hall (by Eleanor, daughter of Thomas Birch, of Birch Hall, who married secondly Henry Bunbury), who was buried at Church Town, Nov. 7, 1693, and (2) Agatha, whose identity has not been ascertained, and whose will was proved at Lancaster April 30, 1747. By his first wife he had issue — Edward; Thomas Holcroft Tyldesley, died young; James, who may be identical with Fr Anthony Tyldesley O.S.F., who died in 1720; ffleetwood Tyldesley, who married and had issue a son Thomas, living in 1711; Eleanor Helena Augustine, O.S.A., entered the convent at Paris in 1701, took the veil in 1706, and died in 1760; Anne Cecilia, O.S.B., born 1688, professed at the English convent at Ghent in 1707 or 1708, Abbess from 1727 till death 1736; Frances, at York Bar Convent in 1 712, and visited the Augustinian Convent at Paris in Dec, 1720; Elizabeth, at York Bar Convent in 1712; and Mary, visited the Augustinian Convent at Paris on her way to Flanders in 1717, died and her heart was interred at the convent in Paris in 1718. By his second wife Thomas had issue — Charles, baptized at Bispham May 9, 1706; Agatha, wife of John Bleasdale, of Goosnargh ; and Winefrid, baptized at Bispham Oct. 8, 1702, who married Edward Winckley,M.D.,of Banister Hall and Preston. 
Edward, the eldest son, succeeded to the family estates, which were greatly encumbered, and also to Holcroft Hall. In 1715 he raised a troop for the Chevalier de St George, which he commanded at the battle of Preston. He was tried for high treason before the Court of Admiralty in the Marshalsea, but pleading that he had been forced into the Jacobite rising, he was acquitted by the jury, for which they were reprimanded by the judge. He died at Myerscough Lodge, and administration to his estate was granted at Lancaster to his principal creditor, John Crouchley, July 12, 1736. By his wife Dorothy, living a widow at Holcroft Hall in 1725, who died Nov. 15, 1739, he had issue — James Tyldesley, of Holcroft Hall and Astley Hall, who served in the army of Prince Charles Edward in 1745, sold Morleys Hall in 1755, and died in Augt, 1765, his will, dated Feb. 8, 1765, being proved at Chester, April 23, 1768; Catherine, spinster, of Chester in 1720, then of Ormskirk, and finally of Preston in 1744; and (presumably) Mary Michael, O.S.B., of Ghent, professed about 1728-30, died 1759. 
James, by his wife Sarah, had issue — Thomas, baptized at Astley, Jan. 9, 1740, living in 1765; Charles, baptized May 12, 1747; James, bapt. Jan, 25, 1748; Edward; bapt. March 21, 1750, buried at Leigh, March 28, 1751 ; Henry, bapt. Oct. 6, 1752, living in 1765 ; Jane, baptized Augt 13, 1743, married at the Collegiate Church of Manchester, in April, 1767, to Charles Gossett, of London, merchant; and Anne, bapt. Sept 25, 1744, buried at Leigh Feb. 22, 1745-6. After this the family are lost in obscurity. There were chapels maintained by the family at Morleys Hall, Myerscough Lodge, and Fox Hall.

1. A List Of Convicted Recusants in the Reign of King Charles II, Catholic Record Society, Miscellanea V, 1909

Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Preston Guild 1622

Volunteers at Lancashire Record Office have recently finished transcribing 27 Guild Rolls from 1397 to 1992—giving almost 45,000 names of Preston's burgesses past and present. 

Tyldesleys were admitted in 1622, 1682, 1702, 1722, 1742, 1782, 1802 and 1822—with Roger Ford, a servant to the Tyldesleys, being admitted in his own right in 1642.

The entries for 1622 can be downloaded as an Excel spreadsheet and include 13 Tyldesleys:
887 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess
888 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess son of Thomas Tydesley
889 Tyldesley Richard foreign burgess brother of Thomas Tyldesley the son of Thomas Tyldesley
890 Tyldesley Edward foreign burgess brother of Richard Tyldesley
891 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess son of Thurstan [Tyldesley]
1127 Tyldesley Thurstan foreign burgess
1128 Tyldesley Edward foreign burgess son of Thurstan Tyldesley
1129 Tyldesley Richard foreign burgess brother of Edwrad Tyldesley
1130 Tyldesley Thomas foreign burgess brother of Richard Tyldesley
1131 Tyldesley William foreign burgess brother of Thomas Tyldesley
1132 Tyldesley Cuthbert foreign burgess brother of William Tyldesley
1133 Tyldesley Robert foreign burgess brother of Cuthbert Tyldesley
1134 Tyldesley Thurstan foreign burgess brother of Robert Tyldesley

Monday, 10 September 2012

Fleetwood Tyldesley and the Manor of Makenade

Fleetwood Tyldesley was the son of Thomas Tyldesley 1657-1715 (the Diarist) and his second wife, Agatha Winckley.  Other than his name, no details are given for Fleetwood on the Gillow and Hewitson Pedigree.  However, the Newchurch registers indicate that he was probably born on 2 February 1682/3. And a book published in 1829 [FN1] gives us the name of his wife, Mary White, by whom he came into possession of the Manor of Makenade or Macknar in Kent:
...of Bedgbury. He sold this manor to Randolph Johnson, gent, who died possessed of it in the reign of Elizabeth. His son, Ralph Johnson, by deed conveyed this estate to Martin James, gent.; and he, dying in 1592, was succeeded by his eldest son Henry, whose son, Sir Henry, in 1637, joined in settling it on his brother. Walter James, esq. of Maidstone, in the reign of Charles II., conveyed it to Richard Garford, stationer, of London, who left an only daughter and heir, Mary; and she marrying, in 1670, George Villiers viscount Grandison, made a settlement of this manor upon Mary White, of Boughton Blean. The latter married Fleetwood Tildesley, gent, who alienated it to Edward Giles, yeoman of Gisborne, in Selling. He dying intestate, this manor descended to his two sons and coheirs, George and Edward, the latter of whom, in 1716, sold his moiety to his brother George, who died at Makenade in 1753, leaving an only daughter and heir, Mary, then widow of John Morgan, gent, of Faversham, whose son, Mr. George Morgan, afterwards rebuilt the house, and resided there.
Further information—to be posted separately—is available from the records of the Preston Guild. Fleetwood Tyldesley was entered in 1702, and it was noted in 1722 that he had died.

1. England's topographer: or A new and complete history of the county of Kent, William H Ireland, 1829 (Volume II page 685)

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, Leigh

Saturday was an opportunity to look around not just Leigh Archives, but also the parish church. David Lawton, the verger, was kind enough to give me a conducted tour of some of the areas with a particular connection to the Tyldesleys.

In the north wall of the church is a brass plaque commemorating Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651. This dates back to the 1870s when the church other than the tower was rebuilt.
At the east end of the north aisle, formerly the Tyldesley chantry of St Nicholas, within this ancient parish church, resteth the body of Sir Thomas Tyldesley of Tyldesley Morleys and Myerscough in this county, Knight, a Major General in His Majesty's army, and Governor of Lichfield, who was slain fighting gallantly for his Royal Master under James, Seventh Earl of Derby, in the battle of Wigan Lane near this place, on the twenty-fifth day of August, 1651.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Leigh Archives

There was a chance to look behind the scenes at Leigh Archives this week, when the basement of the Town Hall was open as part of Heritage Open Days.

Alex Miller, the archivist, aided by a team of volunteers, is clearly doing a fine job in conserving the collection and making it more accessible.  

On show was a good example of this work—Quarter Session records, which were stored in rolls in an attic for many years prior to their acquisition. No detailed catalogue of these records exists and the outer layers of the rolls are coated in a thick layer of soot and dirt, rendering them unreadable. 

Each roll is now being separated into individual documents which are cleaned, pressed flat and catalogued. 

The strongrooms in which the collection is held were also open to view. Some years ago there were rumours about the state of these areas which caused concern. However, as you can see from the photograph above, they now appear clean, dry and orderly.

All in all a very positive occasion which demonstrated what an enthusiastic archivist can achieve, even with a woefully inadequate budget. 

For details of the usual arrangements for access to the archives, see the Wigan Heritage Services website.