Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Addin Tyldesley 1877-1962

25 Years Clerk
Former Tyldesley Man's Record
Mr. Addin Tyldesley, son of the late Counc. and Mrs. R. Tyldesley [FN1], who left Tyldesley many years ago, has completed 25 years as clerk to the Rothwell Urban Council, and at the annual meeting last week was warmly congratulated.
Mr. Tyldesley, who is well known in the town, referred to his 25 years' association with the Council, and said what encouraged him most was the kindness with which successive chairmen had received his services.
The Chairman of the Council and several members highly praised Mr. Tyldesley's work as clerk, all being of the opinion that when the Council made the choice of clerk it was a very good one. "When things are balanced up in the years to come," said one Councillor, " it will be found his work has left a deep impression on the development of the town." 
A report states: " The invaluable services Mr. Tyldesley has rendered to Rothwell since 1910, by his constant devotion to public business and the readiness with which he responds to the many calls made upon him, together with the tact and courtesy he always shows have won for him respect and admiration in the town and district."
Mr. Tyldesley, it will be remembered, received his early municipal training in the Tyldesley Council Clerk's office, and was one of the leading and most brilliant swimmers of the day. He represented England in the Olympic Games.

1. Ralph Tyldesley 1840-1913 and Priscilla Tyldesley (née Calland) 1853-1914