Sunday, 23 September 2012

Commission of the Peace 1601

Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635 was appointed to the Commission of Peace on 5 December 1601. This was a renewal of an earlier appointment since, for example, William and John Reeve of  Westhaughton were ordered to appear before him in July 1601.
QUARTER SESSIONS ROLL, 44 Elizabeth [1602]. [1]
Session at Lancaster before Thomas Preston and John Calverte, esqs., justices of the peace, on Monday 11 Jan. 44 Elizabeth (1601-2). 
Commission of the Peace—5 Dec. 1601. [2]
*Sir Thomas Egerton, lord keeper.             *Thomas Preston 
*William earl of Derby                                 *Ralph [3] Barton
*Richard bishop of Chester                         Thomas Gerard 
*Edward lord Morley                                    Edward Standishe 
*Robert Cicill, kt., princl. secretary             Francis Tunstall
*John Savile, baron of Exchequer               John Ireland 
*Christopher Yelverton, serjt. at law          *Edward Walmysley
*Thomas Welmysley, judge                         *James Ashton
*Thomas Gerrard kt.                                    Richard Fletewood
*John Byron kt.                                          *Edmund Hopwood
*Richard Molyneux kt.                                Geoffrey Osbaldeston
*Edward Fytton kt.                                   *Thomas Tyldesley
*Peter Leighe kt.                                      *Thomas Ireland
*Richard Houghton kt.                               James Anderton
*Edward Warren kt.                                  *Edward Rigbye
*Cuthbert Halsall kt.                                  *John Wrightington
*Nicholas Moseley kt.                                *Nicholas Banester
*John Brograve}                                        Roger Nowell
*Thomas Hesketh } Queen's attorneys      Edmund Fleetwood 
*Edmund Trafford                                      Alexander Reddyshe
John Byron                                               John Braddell
*Thomas Holecrofte                                  John Bradshawe 
*Robert Hesketh                                       Barnaby Kitchen 
*Richard Bold                                            John Calvert 
*Richard Ashton                                        Myles Doddynge 
*Richard Holland                                       Robert Pilkington
*Ralph Ashton 
* The "quorum."
1. Sessions House, Preston, shelf AA.i.
2. On m.17d is another commission dated 26 March 1602. It contains the names asterisked in the list above, but not always in the same order : R. Fletewood and G. Osbaldeston added to the quorum. On m.26 is another dated 13 Aug. It omits Yelverton and adds Sir John Fortescue; B. Kitchen is added to the quorum.  
3. Elsewhere called Randle.

1. Lancashire Quarter Sessions Records 1590-1606, James Tait, Chetham Society SS77, 1917