Friday, 21 September 2012

James Tyldesley 1760

On 5 June 1760, James Tyldesley, grandson of the Diarist was a party to the assignment of a mortgage in trust. This provides both his signature—Jas Tyldesley—and a clear impression of his seal. As can be seen from the extract below, the document confirms certain family relationships, including the fact that the Diarist had a brother, also named James Tyldesley: 
THIS INDENTURE QUADRIPARTITE made the fifth day of June in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and sixty Between the Reverend Robert Rowbottom [FN1] of Lowton in the County of Lancaster Clerk and his Wife (late Ann Arrowsmith of Goulbourne in the said County Spinster of the first part), James Tyldesley of Holcroft in the said County Esquire of the second part Edward Mekinson of Whttingham in the said County Yeoman of the third part and Henry Calland of Culceth in the said County Yeoman  and Robert Porter of Goosnargh in the said County Gentleman of the fourth part 
Whereas by Indenture Tripartite bearing date on or about the Ninth day of ffebruary which was in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and twenty four and made or mentioned to be made between Peter Ashton late of Ormskirk in the said County and then of the City of Chester Esquire of the first part James Tyldesley of Liverpoole in the said County Merchant (Uncle to the said James Tyldesley the party) of the second part and Catherine Tyldesley late of Ormskirk aforesaid and then of the City of Chester of the third part 
Reciting that by Indenture Tripartite bearing date the Twentyeightth day of October which was in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirteen and made or mentioned to be made between John ffranke, William Shaw and Peter Hart then all of Preston in the said County of Lancaster Gentleman (the two first being since dead) and the said James Tyldesley the Elder on the first part the said Peter Ashton on the second part and the said Catherine Tyldesley on the third part they the said John ffranke, William Shaw, Peter Hart and James Tyldesley the Elder for the Considerations therein mentioned did (by and at the request and with the Consent of the said Catherine Tyldesley testifyed as therein is mentioned), Demise and Grant to the said Peter Ashton his Executors Administrators and Afsigns ALL that Mefsuage and Tenement and the several Closes or parcells of Land thereunto belonging or therwith usually Occupied or Enjoyed situate lying and being in Whittingham aforesaid Containing by Common Estimation ffortyseven Acres of Land then late in the tenure or pofefsion of Richard Oliverson or his Assigns with all and singular Houses Edifices Buildings Gardens Lands Meadows Pastures Woods Underwoods Commons Common of Pasture...

1. The Reverend Robert Rowbottom died in 1763 and was buried at the Church of St Oswald, Winwick on 7 May 1763.