The gravestone of James Tyldesley 1702-1800—this being a recent replica to replace that which had been damaged beyond repair.
James Tildfley, departed this lifeOctr 24th,1800 in the 99th year of his age.For ye are dead, and your life is hid with ChriftIn God. when Chrift who is our life Shall appear,Then Shall ye alfo appear with him in Glory.
Alfo Thomas, Son of James & EllenTildfley, of the Townfhip of Shackerleywho died Febry 4th, 1795 aged 50 Years.Also Ralph Tildesley, who departedthis life July 16th 1870, Aged 75 Yrs.
Also, Ann Wife of Ralph Tildsley,of Tyldesley, who died Janry. 5th.1849, aged 48 Years. AlsoJames Tildesley who departed thislife March 23rd 1862, Aged 31 Years.Also Mary Barritt who diedDecember 12th 1879, Aged 86 Years.
The verse is Colossians 3 (3,4):
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with ChriftIn God. when Chrift who is our life Shall appear,Then Shall ye alfo appear with him in Glory.
Coincidentally the same verse was the basis of a sermon given almost 200 years earlier—the publication of which was dedicated to Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635:
For yee are dead, and your life is hidde with Chrift in good.When Chrift which is our life fhall appeare,Then fhall yee alfo appeare with him in glorie.