Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Thirty Years' War—Sir Thomas Tyldesley

The Dictionary of National Biography entry from 1899 for Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651 states, without giving a source, that he "adopted the military profession and served in the wars in Germany".

This is presumably a reference to the Thirty Years' War, fought in Europe from 1618–1648. The earliest known reference to the involvement of Sir Thomas is to be found in Memoires of the Lives, Actions, Sufferings and Deaths of those Noble, Reverend, and Excellent Personages [FN1], published in 1668:
Sir Thomas Tilfley, (b) a Brigadeer, Governour, I think, of Lichfield under King Charles I. 1645. and Major General of the Englifh, under King Charles II. 1651. by whom appointed to affift the Earl of Derby in raifing the Lancafhire and Chefhire Forces, he approved himfelf a faithful and an able man,. till he was flain at Wigan, Aug. 25.1651. with Sir F.Gamul [FN2], many years his fellow Souldier, and now his fellow Sufferer; men of good hands and hearts, of exact lives as well as great parts, each way proportionable; in nothing redundant or defective, abhorring as they called them, ill-favoured and unclean fins. The Grave hath every where a good ftornach; but where thefe were buried a Boulimia, or greedy worm, devouring their Honourable bodies, as Aceldama did tread Corpfes in 48 hours: their bodies being taken away as greedily as the Treafure in Jofephus was out of Davids Grave, though by the way, it was ftrange there fhould be treafure in Davids Tomb, who faid, Pf. 49.17. Man fhall carry nothing away with him.
(b) Bred in the German Wars.

1. Memoires of the Lives, Actions, Sufferings and Deaths of those Noble, Reverend, and Excellent Personages that Suffered by Death, Sequestration, Decimation, or Otherwise for the Protestant Religion and the great Principle thereof, Allegiance to their Soveraigne in our Late Intestine Wars, David Lloyd, 1668.
2. Sir Francis Gamul was named in early reports as one of those slain at the Battle of Wigan Lane in 1651—in fact, he survived until 1654.