Friday, 26 April 2013

Morleys Hall 1540

Morleys Hall passed from the Leylands to the Tyldesleys following the elopement of Edward Tyldesley and Anne Leyland around 1559.

An description of Morleys Hall around this time may be found in Leland's Itinerary. John Leland is thought to have visited Lancashire around 1540, and also mentions Holcroft Hall, which later came into the possession of the Tyldesleys by the marriage of Thomas Tyldesley 1657-1715 ("the Diarist") to his first wife Eleanor Holcroft in 1679:
And within a ii. Miles of Morle on the same hand not far of a Place of Master Worseley of the Bouthe. 
And so within a Mile and sumwhat more of Mr. Leland's Place I cam over Agyding Heding Brooke that ther seperatith Salfordshire from Darbyshire. 
Morle (in Darbyshire) Mr. Lelandes Place is buildid saving the Fundation of Stone squarid that risith within a great Moote a vi. Foote above the Water, al of Tymbre after the commune sorte of building of Houses of the Gentilmen for *most of Lancastreshire. Ther is as much Pleasur of Orchardes of great Varite of Frute and fair made Walkes and Gardines as ther is in any Place of Lancastreshire. He brennith al Turfes and Petes for the Commodite of Mosses and Mores at hand. For Chateley Moss that with breking up of Abundance of Water yn hit did much hurt to Landes thereabout, and Rivers with wandering Mosse and corrupte Water is within lesse than a Mile of Morle. And yet by Morle as in Hegge Rowes and Grovettes is meately good Plenti of Wood, but good Husbandes keepe hit for a Jewell. 
Syr John Holcroftes House within a Mile or more of Morle stoode in jeopardi with fleting of the Mosse. 
Morle stondith in Leghe Paroche a Mile and more from the Chirch. 
Riding a Mile and more beyond Morle I saw on the right hond a Place nere by of Mr. Aderton, and so a ii. Miles of to Lidiate Mosse, in the right side wherof my Gide said that ther were Rootes of Fyrre Wood.

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