Friday, 31 August 2012

Nicholas Tyldesley 1401

In 1875, William Langton published [FN1] the first volume of a collection of abstracts from Inquisitions Post Mortem which had been made by Christopher Towneley in the 17th century. Two entries related to the Tyldesleys. The first concerned John Tyldesley, the second related to Nicholas Tyldesley receiving the advowson of Prestwich Church:
Bille et L're.
[T. p. 75, No. 195.]
Henry par la grace &c. Jolian Wakeryng n're Chancellr donnez Nicholas de Tildesley leglise p'ochiele de Prestwich regardante par reson de la meindre age du filz et heir de Roger de Longley dedeins age done a n're Palays de Westm: le 26 jour de Janvier lan de n're regne second. [2 H. 4, 1401.]

1. Abstracts of Inquisitions Post Mortem, William Langton, Chetham Society FS95, 1875