Saturday, 29 September 2012

Thomas Tyldesley, King's Attorney 1603

Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635 was appointed King's Attorney for Lancashire in 1603, and can be found prosecuting cases at Preston in May that year.  By chance one of the cases heard at the session concerned land owned by Edward Tyldesley—possibly Edward Tyldesley 1582-1622, father of Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651: 
Session at Preston before Edward Warren, kt., Edward Rigbye, Nicholas Banester, Roger Nowell, Edmund Fletewood and John Braddill, esqs., justices of the peace, on Wednesday 4 May 1 James I (1603)... 
Margaret Brande, widow, of Lancaster, on 2 May 1603 entered on pasture there called Crone Mosse, occupied by Richard Southend and owned by Edward Tyldesley, esq. [1]... 
Thomas Tyldesley [2] esq., the king's attorney for Lancashire, prosecuted. The sheriff is ordered to secure the appearance of John Shirburne and the others indicted (except the Bullers), including John Ingham. 
1. Cases under Stat. 8 Hen. VI, c. 9.
2. Tyldesley, who succeeded Hesketh as attorney in this year, remained prosecutor during the period covered by the rest of this volume [FN1].

1. Lancashire Quarter Sessions Records 1590-1606, James Tait, Chetham Society SS77, 1917