Sunday, 18 November 2012

The loss of Holcroft Hall—Part 3

Earlier postings have noted the attempts of James Tyldesley to sell large parts of the Holcroft Hall estates. In August 1765 James Tyldesley died. Following the subsequent death of his wife Sarah Tyldesley in September 1765, his executors moved to liquidate the entire estate.  

In June 1768 Holcroft Hall was offered for sale in the St. James's Chronicle or British Evening Post:
To be Sold, all the Manor or Lordship of
HOLCROFT, in the County of Lancaster, to-
gether with the Demesne and Demedne Lands thereto be-
longing, and also several Messuages, Lands and Tene-
ments thereunto also belonging, situate, lying and being 
in Holcroft aforesaid, containing 286 Acres of good Ara-
ble, Meadow and Pasture Land, or thereabouts, be the 
same more or Iess; together with upwards of 373 Acres
of Moss Land thereto also belonging, late the Estate of 
James Tyldesley, Esq, deceased.
Mess. Charles Clark, or John Clark, of Hollinsgreen, 
will shew the Premises to any Person desirous to see the
sarme; and for further Particulars apply to John Hough-
ton, Esq. the Rev. William Worthington, and Robert 
Bradley, the said Mr. Tyldesley's Executors; or to Mr. 
James Kearsley, in Hulton; or the Rev. John Lowe, 
of Winwick.
If there is any Person who has any Claim or 
Demand upon the Estate of the said Mr. Tyldesley, and
has not already sent an Account thereof to the said Robert
Bradley, they are desired forthwith to send the same.
Two disputes were then to arise. As will be described in a later post, Thomas Tyldesley, eldest son of James and Sarah Tyldesley argued that his father had not had the capacity to make a valid will. And Charles Grossett who had married Jane Tyldesley, the daughter of James and Sarah Tyldesley, raised an objection to the sale of Holcroft Hall. Acting on behalf of himself, his wife and his young brother-in-law, Henry Tyldesley he placed the following warning in the St. James's Chronicle or the British Evening Post in July 1768:

WHEREAS for some Time past there
has appeared in the London, Manchester and
Leverpoole Papers, an Advertisement for the Sale of all
the Manor or Lordship of HOLCROFT, with the De-
mesne and Demesne Lands thereto belonging; and also
several Messuages, Lands and Tenements, thereunto also
belonging, situate, lying and being in Holcroft aforesaid,
containing 286 Acres of good Arable, Meadow and Pas-
ture Land, or thereabouts, be the same more or less; to-
gether with upwards of 370 Acres of Hop-Land thereto
also belonging, late the Estate of James Tyldesley, Esq.
deceased ; Now I, Charles Grosset, do hereby caution all
Persons, who may become Purchasers of the said Estate,
that, by the last Will and Teftament of the said James
Tyldesley, the said real Estate is made subject to the Pay-
ment of all his just Debts and Legacies: And whereas
the said James Tyldesley did in his Life-time possess him-
self of, and received the Rents, Issues and Profits, of a
real Estate in the said County, which had been devised
to him in Trust for his younger Children, and also did
receive and apply to his own Use a Legacy bequeathed to
my Wife, Jane Grosset, formerly Jane Tyldesley, Daugh-
ter of the said Testator, James Tyldesley, I do hereby
declare, that I forthwith intend to file a Bill in his Ma-
jesty's High Court of Chancery, as well in Behalf of
myself and my said Wife, as also in Behalf of Henry
Tyldesley, an Infant, for an Account of the Rents and
Profits of the said real Estate, and to be paid by the Sale
thereof, several Sums of Money, which I, in Right of
my said Wife, and the said Henry Tyldesley in his own
Right claim to be due to us respectively, for which,
at all Times, we shall follow the said Estate.