Friday 16 November 2012

The loss of Holcroft Hall—Part 2

James Tyldesley 1719-1765 had already tried to sell part of the Holcroft Hall estates in 1760, as noted in an earlier post.

In March and April 1765 an advertisement appeared in the St. James's Chronicle or the British Evening Post announcing that further land would be sold by auction on 1 May 1765:
TO be Sold, by Way of Auction, at the
House of Mr. Mathias, being the Eagle and Child 
Inn, at Warrington, in the County of Lancaster, on 
Wednesday the first Day of May, 1765, at Three of 
the Clock in the Afternoon, subject to such Conditions
as shall be then and there produced;
The Fee-Simple and Inheritance of and in a Messu-
age and Tenement, called by the Name of the Hanging 
Birch Farm, situate and being at Holcroft, in the said 
County of Lancaster, with several Closes of Land thereunto
belonging, containing upwards of fifty Acres, after eight 
Yards to the Rood or Pole, or thereabouts, and now in 
the Possession of Joseph Hunt, as Tenant or Farmer 
One other Messuage and Tenement, with its Appur-
tenances, situate at Holcroft aforesaid, known by the 
Name of Barrow's Farm, and containing twenty-seven 
Acres and an Half of Land, of the like Measure, and 
now in the Possession of William Lowton, as Farmer 
One other Messuage and Tenement, with its Ad-
purtenances, situate at Holcroft aforesaid, known by 
the Name of Gellibrand's, containing nineteen Acres 
of Land, of the like Measure, or thereabouts, and now
in the Possession of William Gellibrand, as Tenant 
One other Messuage and Tenement, with its Appur-
tenances, situate at Holcroft aforesaid, known by the 
Name of Shaw's, containing twelve Acres of Land, of 
the like Measure, or thereabouts, and now. in the Pos-
session of Martha Shaw, as Tenant thereof.
Three several Messuages and Tenements, with their 
Appurtenances, situate at Holcroft aforesaid, known 
by the several Names of.Unsworth's, Rabbit Nest, and 
Wren Nest, and the several Closes of Land thereto be-
longing and enjoyed therewith, containing thirty-one 
Acres of Land, of the like Measure, and now in the 
Possession of Francis Broadhurst, as Tenant or Farmer 
Several Closes or Fields in Holcroft aforesaid, catlled 
Sudworth's Closes, containing nine Acres and an Half
of Land of the like Measure, and now in the Possession
of John Sudworth, as Tenant thereof. 
SeveraI Cottages or Dwelling-Houses, with the Crofts, 
Gardens, or Orchards, thereunto belonging, situate and 
being in Holcroft aforesaid, of the Yearly Value of Six 
Pounds, and now in the several Possessions of Thomas 
Hurst, John Sanderton, and--- Smiler.
The Reversion in Fee-Simp!e, after the Death of one 
Life, aged Seventy-eight Years, of, and in a Messuage
or Dwelling-House and Premises, situate in Holcroft, of 
the yearly Value of Seven Pounds, and now in the 
Possession of Elizabeth Sculfield, or her Under-tenant.
Also the Reversion in Fee-Simple, after the Death 
of one Life, aged seventy-eight Years, of and in one 
other Messuage or Dwelling-House and Premises, 
situate in Holcroft aforesaid, of the yearly Value of 
Nine Pounds, and in the Possession of Mary Mother.
Also the Reversion in Fee-Simple, after the Death 
of one Life, aged forty-two Years, of and in several
Cottages and Dwelling-Houses and Premises, situate in
Holcroft aforesaid, of the yearly Value of Five Pounds,
and in the Possession of —Caldwell, and others, as
Under-tenants thereof.
Also the Reversion in Fee-Simple, after the Death 
of three Lives, (one whereof is very old and infirm)
of and in a Messuage or Dwelling-House and Premises,
situate in Holcroft aforesaid, of the yearly Value of
Five Pounds, and in the Possession of —Sudworth,
as Lessee thereof.
Also the Reversion in Fee-Simple, after the Death
of three Lives, of and in one other Messuage or Dwelling-
House and Tenement, situate in Holcroft aforesaid, called
by the Name of Winstanley's, containing eleven Acres 
of Land of large Measure, or thereabouts, be the same 
more or less, and now in the Possession of Giles Win-
stanley, the Lessee thereof.
There is a considerable Quantity of very good Water-
Meadowing within the above Estates, with near 300 
fine large Huntingdon Willows, growing on the Banks 
of the Brook adjoining thereto, and there are upwards 
of 1300 fine young Oak Trees, growing within and 
near the Wood belonging to the said Premises, exclu-
sive of the Hedge-row Timber, which is more than 
sufficient for the necessary Repairs of the Premises.
All the above Estates lie very compactly together, 
and are capable of being greatly improved, there being 
good Marl in many Parts of the Premises, which may 
be got at a small Expence.
James Tyldesley, Esq; of Holcroft, will cause the 
Premises to he shown to any Person minded to view 
them; and for further Particulars apply to him; to 
Mr. Bradley, an Attorney at Leigh; or to Mess. Lloyd
and Turner, of Warrington.
The outcome of this sale is not known. James Tyldesley remained at Holcroft Hall until his death. He was buried at Leigh on 7 August 1765. His wife, Sarah Tyldesley neé Hayne or Hanne died the following month and was buried at Leigh on 18 September 1765.  

Holcroft Hall was itself put up for sale in 1768—leading to disputes within the family, detailed in a later posting.