Monday 22 April 2013

Endeavouring the King's Escape — 18 January 1646

Bulstrode Whitlocke's Memorials of the English affairs (FN1) was published in 1682. It contains three references to Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651, of which the most interesting is that for 18 January 1646:
The General made strict Orders for his Officers and Soldiers to pay their Quarters, and that the Countrey may not be burdened, and misdemeanors prevented, and this by advice of his Council of War.

Captain Batten kept in the Dutch Ship at Newcastle. 
Sir Tho. Tiddesly and Col. Price being apprehended about endeavouring the Kings escape, got away. 
Letters informed that the Scots Commissioners at New-castle could not prevail with the King to take the Covenant, and sign the Propositions, and that a Scotch Lord told him, if he did not, they must give him up to the Parliament of England, and it would fall heavy upon him and his Posterity. That his Ma|jesty is not pleased to come to Holmby house, not liking the place.
For 30 August 1651 there is a record of the letters received regarding the Battle of Wigan Lane:
Letters, That at the routing of the Earl of Derby, were taken prisoners 5 Collonels, the Adjutant General 4 Lieutenant Collonels, 1. Major, 4 Captains, 2 Lieutenants, and slain and dead since they were taken, the Lord Widdrington, Major-General Sr. Thomas Tiddesly, 1 Collonel, 2 Majors, and divers others of quali|ty. All their Baggage, Sumpters, Arms, and Ammunition taken, and the Earl of Derbyes 3 Cloaks with Starrs, his George and Garter with other Robes.
And for 6 October 1651 there is an account of the trial of James Stanley, Earl of Derby:
Letters, That the Earl of Derby was tryed at a Court-Marshal at Chester, at which were   20 Officers, Captains, and above that Degree, five Collonels, Major General Mitton, and Collonel  Mackworth the President. 
That the Earl confessed the Plot for a General Rising of the Presbyterians in Lancashire, to joyn with the King; but it was disappointed by the apprehending of Mr. Birkenhead. 
That Sir Tho. Tiddesly, Major Ashurst, and Major General Massey, were principal Actors in that Conspiracy. 
He confessed the matters of Treason charged against him, and submitted to the mercy of Parliament. 

1. Memorials of the English affairs, or, An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration containing the publick transactions, civil and military : together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet. 

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