Friday, 17 May 2013

An Act for Distribution of Threescore thousand pounds amongst the truly Loyal & Indigent Commission Officers 1662

In 1662 an Act was passed to provide for the distribution of £60,00 to those officers who had supported the Royalist cause:
An Act for Distribution of Threescore thousand pounds amongst the truly Loyal & Indigent Commission Officers and for assessing of Offices and distributing Moneys thereby raised for theire further supply.

Whereas there was a Loyall Party which through all hazards and extremities in the defence of the Kings Person Crown and Dignity the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament the Religion Lawes and Honour of the English Nation did beare Armes by the Command of His late Majestie of ever blessed Memory according to theire duty and the known Lawes of this Land and did with an unwearied Courage Faith and Constancy with theire lives and fortunes oppose that barbarous Rebellion raised against His most Excellent Majestie in the yeare One thousand six hundred forty and twoe by some of the men then sitting at Westminster till by expresse Orders from His Sacred Majesty in One thousand six hundred forty and six the said loyall and worthy persons were commanded to render and disband which Orders being obeyed and a new discovery being made of further Treasons against the life of theire most gracious Soveraign they entred into severall fresh attempts to save Him in which some fell a noble Sacrifice for theire Countrey and the rest asserted with the same vigorous and active Loyalty after the horrid murder of that glorious Prince the Rights and Interests of His Royall Successor and with the same restlesse zeale opposed all succeeding Usurpations untill that Great Captaine-the Duke of Albermarle (a person for ever to be remembred by all English men with Honour and Admiration) and other worthy persons did improve the long expected opportunity of theire Conjunction with the Loyall Party of this Nation by meanes whereof His Sacred Majesty returned in Peace and Triumph and in the safety and government of His gracious Majesty all the good people of England are restored to the well being of the Publique and to all theire Lawes Liberties and Fortunes Wee therefore the Lords & Commons for the perpetuall memory of the eminent deservings of the said Loyall Party and the encouragement of Loyalty to future ages do hereby declare and make manifest our high esteeme of theire great services and sufferings exceeding all possibility of present compensacon but that provision might be made for theire honourable Wants (so far as stands with a Kingdome exhausted by the Rapine & Oppression of a long Rebellion) wee have else where beseecht Your most Excellent Majesty to enact a certaine annual Rate upon Parishes for the supply of all the Loyall and Suffering Souldiers in generall And wee doe herein most humbly beseech Your Majesty That it may be enacted and be it enacted by the Kings most excellent Majestie by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That the summ of Threescore thousand pounds be with most convenient speed distributed amongst such truly Loyal and Indigent Officers who have had real Command of Souldiers according to theire several Commissions and who have never deserted His Majestie nor His blessed Fathers service during the late times of Rebellion and Usurpation and who have not a sufficient livelihood of theire own nor have since His Majesties returne obtained any Reward Office or Imployment sufficient for a livelyhood by such wayes meanes and proportions as shall be hereafter appointed...
In the following year, Henry Brome published a list of the officers entitled to share the £60,000, under the title: A List of officers claiming the sixty thousand pounds &c. granted by His Sacred Majesty for the relief of his truly-loyal and indigent party which list is made publique by the consent and at the desire of the honourable the commissioners appointed by act of Parliament for distribution of said moneys.

Two Tyldesleys were named in the list—Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651 and Edward Tyldesley.

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