Friday, 13 September 2013

Sir Thomas Tyldesley — September 1648

Mercurius Elencticus, a Royalist newsbook,  reported in September 1648 [FN1] that Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1612-1651 was one of the commanders of a force of 5,000 men marching to Berwick-on-Tweed via Barnard Castle:
By Letters from the North it is certified, That Monroe Marched over at Hexam with 7000 compleat Horse and Foot, and so for Berwicke: That the English under Sir Philip Musgrave, Sir Hen: Bellingham, Sir Tho: Tildley, Sir Rob: Strickland, and Sir William Huddleston, etc. are 5000 more, all well Armed, who Marched by the way of Bernards Castle, and so likewise to Berwicke; where they were all to joyne with the E. of Calender's forces, making in all 22000...

1. Mercurius Elencticus, 13 September - 20 September 1648

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