Tuesday 4 September 2012

Sir Thomas Tyldesley 1557-1635

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Sir Thomas Tyldesley—not to be confused with the famous Cavalier—died in 1635 and was buried at St Michael le Belfrey Church in York. His memorial inscription was recorded in 1788 [FN1]:
Tildesley, Thomas. Hic requiescit angeli tubam expectans vir clarissimus Thomas Tildesley, miles, nuper de Concilio Domini nostri Regis in partibus Angliae borealibus prae honorabilis in ordinario, qui cum satis naturae ac famae, amicis autem et pauperibus non satis, vixisset, placida morte animam Deo reddidit Aprilis 16, anno salutis humanae 1635, aet suae 78, et fidelis servitii in eodem Concilio 19, Mortuo non deniges grav
Thomas Tyldesley was the son of Thurstan Tyldesley and Margaret Norris. Born in 1557 he was a member of Staple Inn and trained as a lawyer. Thomas was admitted to Gray's Inn in 1577 at the expense of his half great-uncle Edward Tyldesley and his maternal uncle Thomas Norreys. Edward Tyldesley was to continue to assist Thomas - in his will dated 8 May 1586 (see paragraph 14) he left Thomas £20 a year for 5 years towards his maintenance and support at Gray's Inn.

In 1595 Thomas married Ann Norreys, daughter and heiress of Thomas Norreys. Thomas and Ann had at least six children: Thomas, Richard, Edward, Rowland, Elizabeth and Anne. Three of his four sons were admitted to Gray's Inn, Edward being the exceptionIn addition, Thomas arranged at his own expense for Edward Tyldesley—son of Thurstan Tyldesley and Mary Charnock—to be admitted to Gray's Inn. The entry in the register explains the reasons for this:
1606 Edward Tildesley, son and heir apparent of Thurstan Tildesley, Stanzaker, co. Lancaster. Sine fine qua Edwardus Tildesley avus suus et meus avunculus admisit me sumptibus suis proprius Thomas Tildesley, lector.
In other words, Thomas paid for the admittance of Edward Tyldesley, grandson of the half great-uncle who had supported him.

1. Eboracum: Or, The History and Antiquities of the City of York, from its Origin to This Time, 1788